crash problem

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eric virgo

sometimes during a battle with my 30 troops the game crashes.

assertion failed.

some file in D/armagan/something/vertex/something
agent ai && agent something something...

pisses me of something awful...
any way to remedy this?
you think????

really .. what are the recomended comp specs for this game?

i have a p4 1800 with 512 rambus and an 128mb g-force ti200 graphics card.
i never thought i needed more..
damn! when i bought this pc three years ago it was the dogs "thingies"!

still the game plays smooth and nicely. i noticed that the game crashes less often when i play with horses and dont use many arrows. maybe its the arrows doing the thing. maybe the position of fired arrows around the map overloads my pc.

i dont know. since i developed a knight-only army things look much better.
Hum, i think that some error happens only on certain computers... I mean, my game was crashing and i did't know why.
Reason--> My Video Card was not perfectly fitted in the slot =)
I think in the other versions the bugs will dissapear a bit.( Pls god :cool: )
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