crash on Load Savegame

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I played with my savegame, then saved and exited, went to sleep and when I woke up and went to play M&B I clicked Restore a Saved Game and a window appears saying to Abort, Retry or Ignore. If I click retry, computer restarts, if I click abort it closes the game and if I click ignore it asks again.... Neither ways will get it to work again.

It appears to be something about rglString.cpp

Please help me,
What version are you using, BoltScar?

0.702 wasn't it?

Maybe try a full uninstall ... delete the C:/program files/mount&blade folder ... install 0.701 ... then upgrade to 0.702 by dropping the new mount&blade.exe in the new folder and choosing overwrite.
I got it fixed, had a weird savegame that wasnt mine and wasnt letting me restore my savegame, deleted it and now I can play

Thanks anyways :smile:
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