Closed Crash on Kingdom Decision

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Summary: So all kingdom decision has been working good so far until this one. For no particular reason, every time i select one and Done. it crashes.
I have tried all 3 lord options to avoid if one is causing the crash same thing. Please fix this asap, as all my saves and auto saves ends up after taking this Town, and now i cant even continue to play the game or else i need to create new character.
How to Reproduce: Kingdom decision Crash
Media (Screenshots & Video):
Version: e1.0.7 / e1.0.8 / e1.0.9
Most likely you have the same bug as me, crash after hit victory conditions.

To make sure, open your %programdata%\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord\crashes, find a folder with the latest date, then look for rgl_log_5352.txt and scroll down. Most likely you'll find this text in this log:

Exception occurred inside invoke: ExecuteCompleteTranstactions
Target type: TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.ViewModelCollection.SPInventoryVM
Argument count: 0
Inner message: An item with the same key has already been added.

Which means it's the same issue.
[23:24:19.9425260] Exception occurred inside invoke: ExecuteFinalSelection
Target type: TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.ViewModelCollection.KingdomManagement.KingdomDecision.DecisionTypes.SettlementDecisionVM
Argument count: 0
Inner message: An item with the same key has already been added.
Im getting the same message as you guys, seems to be a crash from the main quest:

[14:42:19.7720639] SandBox.GauntletUI.GauntletKingdomScreen::HandleResume

[14:42:27.8854013] Unify the Empire: Log updated.

[14:42:27.9073439] Quest Completed: Unify the Empire

[14:42:27.9791534] Stop Sound Event 757

[14:42:27.9821147] Stop Sound Event 756

[14:42:27.9851060] Stop Sound Event 755

[14:42:56.1718118] Exception occurred inside invoke: ExecuteFinalSelection
Target type: TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.ViewModelCollection.KingdomManagement.KingdomDecision.DecisionTypes.SettlementDecisionVM
Argument count: 0
Inner message: An item with the same key has already been added.
Same here too, *critical crash when capturing a settlement that completes the Unify Kingdom quest. Getting the same error message you guys get in patch 1.0.9. Hoping they fix it asap cause I can't capture any more settlements in my Kingdom without risking triggering said quest.

Here's the log with exception message:

[01:24:08.3002603] Unify the Empire: Log updated.

[01:24:08.3052587] Quest Completed: Unify the Empire

[01:24:08.3102570] Quest Failed: Stop Conspiracy

[01:24:08.3332493] Stop Sound Event 1165

[01:24:08.3332493] Stop Sound Event 1084

[01:24:08.3342490] Stop Sound Event 1134

[01:24:08.3342490] Stop Sound Event 1125

[01:24:08.3342490] Stop Sound Event 1166

[01:24:08.3342490] Stop Sound Event 1161

[01:24:08.3342490] Stop Sound Event 1143

[01:24:08.3342490] Stop Sound Event 1163

[01:24:33.2744344] Exception occurred inside invoke: ExecuteFinalSelection
Target type: TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.ViewModelCollection.KingdomManagement.KingdomDecision.DecisionTypes.SettlementDecisionVM
Argument count: 0
Inner message: An item with the same key has already been added.
Hello, thanks for reporting this problem. Unfortunately, we were unable to respond to this thread when it was first created. We believe the issue may have been resolved since the creation of this topic. If you are currently experiencing this issue with the latest live or beta versions of the game, please update this thread so we can forward this issue to the team for investigation.
As the subject of the thread has gone cold, i will mark it as closed. Please let me know if the issue is persistent.
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