Crash on Game Save Load

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Can anyone explain what the problem might be (or what this means)?

Exception information
Type: System.IndexOutOfRangeException
Message: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
Source: TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem
  1. at int TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Roster.TroopRoster.AddToCountsAtIndex(int index, int countChange, int woundedCountChange, int xpChange, bool removeDepleted)
  2. at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Roster.TroopRoster.RemoveTroop(CharacterObject troop, int numberToRemove, UniqueTroopDescriptor troopSeed, int xp)
  3. at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Hero.AfterLoad()
  4. at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignObjectManager+CampaignObjectType.AfterLoad()
  5. at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignObjectManager.AfterLoad()
  6. at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Campaign.OnGameLoaded(CampaignGameStarter starter)
  7. at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Campaign.DoLoadingForGameType(GameTypeLoadingStates gameTypeLoadingState, out GameTypeLoadingStates nextState)
  8. at bool TaleWorlds.Core.GameType.DoLoadingForGameType()
  9. at void SandBox.SandBoxGameManager.DoLoadingForGameManager(GameManagerLoadingSteps gameManagerLoadingStep, out GameManagerLoadingSteps nextStep)
  10. at bool TaleWorlds.Core.GameManagerBase.DoLoadingForGameManager()
  11. at void TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.GameLoadingState.OnTick(float dt)
  12. at void TaleWorlds.Core.GameStateManager.OnTick(float dt)
  13. at void TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Module.OnApplicationTick_Patch1(Module this, float dt)
Thank you.
What mods are you using? It does seem to be related to troops being moved/added/removed(killed) on the campaign map somewhere. Possibly a troop mod conflict or out of date that doesnt go well now. I might be very wrong, however.
MCM, Butterlib, UIExtender, Harmony.
Alliegiance Overhaul, Party Screens Enhancements, Diplomacy, Fourbery, Improved Garrisons.
MCM, Butterlib, UIExtender, Harmony.
Alliegiance Overhaul, Party Screens Enhancements, Diplomacy, Fourbery, Improved Garrisons.

Im not certain, but i use all but the Fourberie mod, so theres a chance its related, otherwise, if that is your load order, id change to make it Harmony > Butter > UIx > MCM > native modules > party > Diplo > improved garr > Allegiance > fourberie
In that order, might make a difference. (Also, i have the impression I use 5 of these core mods before vanilla modules, so it might be missing fron yours, but i cant remember what it was) i use Better Exception Window, which overwrites butterlib's exception window, thats it

Hope that might fix, or it might be one of the mods is either out of date, or more updated to the current game version (i use 1.0.1, so it happens to me).

Im not sure if fourberie creates campaign parties, but improv garr does, so it might be a conflict there.

Im not sure it os a great recommendation, but yoh could try and ads that better orders for AI parties, cant remember the name exactly. And am far away from my pc to look it up, but its one mod that improves dialogues with npc lords and also corrects missing and bugged out parties, it despawns leaderless parties often and corrects stuck parties, so that might help you a bit, if you choose to get it, load it above diplomacy as well

Edit: if you are curious, this was the mod list i had been using successfully a couple of weeks ago:
However, I had to stay at Release [beta] v1.0.1, especially since Cheyron has become unavailable, but this modlist was working wonders:
Bannerlord.Harmony: v2.2.2.140
BetterExceptionWindow: v6.1.0
Bannerlord.ButterLib: v2.6.0
Bannerlord.UIExtenderEx: v2.3.1
Bannerlord.MBOptionScreen: v5.3.1
Native: v1.0.1
SandBoxCore: v1.0.1
Sandbox: v1.0.1
CustomBattle: v1.0.1
StoryMode: v1.0.1
BirthAndDeath: v1.0.1
EnableAchievement: v0.0.2
OnGovernorChangedWorkAround: e1.1.0
OnHeroHealedWhileWaitingWorkAround: e2.0.0
AdonnaysTroopChanger: v1.8.8
WeaponGapFix: v1.0.7
Bannerlord.Diplomacy: v1.1.16
ImprovedGarrisons: v4.1.1.8
Vexillum: e1.5.2
RaiseYourBannerPlus: v6.2.0
CharacterManager: v3.3.0
CustomSpawns: v1.9.3
CalradiaAtWar: v1.9.0
Separatism: v1.0.2
AllegianceOverhaul: v2.3.3
Cheats: v2.13.0.0
HousesCalradia: v1.2.9.1
hotbutter: v1.7.3 this is very important for not having absurd amounts of children by waiting a few weeks at the castle. Trust me, there is nothing NSFW here, absolutely nothing. Shut up and keep scrolling down.
FamilyControl: v1.0.0
zCaptivityEvents: v1.0.1.1036
zCEDefaults: v1.0.1.1036
zCEBandit: v1.0.1.1036
BastardChildren: v5.0.0.0
BastardChildrenHotButter: v0.0.1
BannerColorPersistence: v1.4.1
MBFastDialogue: v2.5.5
AIExecutioner: v1.2.5
LordRetinueUptier: v1.0.3
BetterTime: v1.2.7
Pacemaker: v1.2.8.0
ChangingCulture: v1.5.9
GovernorsHandleIssues: v1.0.1.2
KingdomDestruction: v0.0.1
PlayerExecuteEdit: v1.6.2
DismembermentPlus: v2.0.5.4
AgricultureEstate: v0.0.1
Warbandlord: v1.0.0.0
HybridBlocking: v1.2.0
UltimateMountsReforged: v1.2.0
WarCry: v5.1.0
PowerfulHeroes: v1.1.4
DistinguishedService: v5.2.0
MinorPartySizeIncrease: v0.0.1
IDontCare: v2.5.2
Bannerlord.LeaveOnClick: v1.0.2
NoTimeLimit: v1.0.3
Aragas.CastleTownWithHorse: v1.0.9
RandomEvents: v1.0.1
ArrangeMarriageForFamily: v1.0.3
WaitUntilFullyRested: v0.0.1
SmithyWSTweak: e1.0.0
BetterSmithingContinued: v1.0.0.7
DefendYourself: v1.2.0
MoreArenas: e1.5.5
RealSpacetimeContinuumMod: v3.3.19
TheColorOfProfits: v1.0.0
RecruitEveryone: v1.3.2
EarnYourBanner: v1.0.0
Bannerlord.XPTweaks: v1.2.2
TroopSort: v1.0.5.0
SortedIncome: v3.1.8
Transmog: v2.0.4
NeatedsNPCsUpgradeEquipment: e1.0.0.3
MercFix: v1.0.0
SettlementIconRedesign: v1.0.6
FriendlyTroopBannerHotkeys: v1.5.2
SupplyLines: v1.6.5
GarrisonDoSomething: v1.2.11
HeroesMustDie: v1.9.6
UsefulAlternativeAttacks: v0.0.1
GripMyAxe: v1.0.0
XorberaxLegacy: v1.0.4.5
NoArmyRestriction: v1.2.0
RealisticWeather: v1.1.7
ScalingHP: v1.0.0
SpearBannerFix: v1.1.0
ArmorBalance: v1.0.1
TakeBoth: v1.0.1
UnlimitedCAP: v1.2.2
TrueController: v1.0.3
TrueSieges: v1.2.0
TrueBattleLoot: v1.2.6
TrueRansoms: v1.0.8
TrueRecruitmentCosts: v1.2.3
TrueRelations: v1.5.4
TrueTownGold: v1.0.3
UnlimitedMC: v1.2.0
Bannerlord.CCsBanners: v3.2.0
BetterCompanion: v0.0.7
AEW - Adonnays Exotic Weaponry: v2.3.3
HelmetHairContinuedPlus: v2.3.0
CalradiaRisingArmory: e1.8.0
swadian armoury: v1.0.0
Sarranid_Armory: v1.0.0
CJ's Vanilla Items: v1.2.0
WomeninCalradia: v4.3.0
LongerCraftingParts: v1.0.4
ReasonableThrowingWeapons: v1.0.1
Camel Armor: e1.5.2
BahamutArmory: e1.5.2
VlandianKnightsLances: e1.5.2
HoodRecolor: e1.5.2
Morgana: v1.0.0
William: v1.0.0
BannerlordArmiesReDone: v1.0.1.0
Magic Holsters: v1.2.0
zCulturedStart: v1.3.5
MarryAnyone: v3.0.4
ServeAsSoldier: v1.0.1
ButterEquipped: v1.3.0
AIValuesLife: v1.14.6
AttributePerLevel: v1.0.6
UnlimitedMaxAttribute: v0.0.1
ImprovedCombatAI: e2.4.3
BattleMiniMap: v1.1.5
ImmersiveSergeant: v1.6.0
SimpleShieldPatterns: v1.0.1
PocColor: v1.0.40
ClanArmy: v1.0.0
PartyAIOverhaulCommands: v1.0.0
PartyFatigue: v1.0.0
zzCharacterCreation: v1.4.7.148
FireGraphicsBlood: e1.8.1
No corrupted saves, no crashes while saving, nothing. This particular modlist used B.A.R.D. troops mod, which seemed to be incompat. with some other bigger mods I avoided. I trusted this mod to make troops cool, and it worked just fine.
I couldnt get it to work lately, but i think it's all Realistic Battle Mod's fault. But i hadnt the time to fix it these last weeks
Last edited:
Can anyone explain what the problem might be (or what this means)?

Exception information
Type: System.IndexOutOfRangeException
Message: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
Source: TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem
  1. at int TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Roster.TroopRoster.AddToCountsAtIndex(int index, int countChange, int woundedCountChange, int xpChange, bool removeDepleted)
  2. at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Roster.TroopRoster.RemoveTroop(CharacterObject troop, int numberToRemove, UniqueTroopDescriptor troopSeed, int xp)
  3. at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Hero.AfterLoad()
  4. at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignObjectManager+CampaignObjectType.AfterLoad()
  5. at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignObjectManager.AfterLoad()
  6. at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Campaign.OnGameLoaded(CampaignGameStarter starter)
  7. at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Campaign.DoLoadingForGameType(GameTypeLoadingStates gameTypeLoadingState, out GameTypeLoadingStates nextState)
  8. at bool TaleWorlds.Core.GameType.DoLoadingForGameType()
  9. at void SandBox.SandBoxGameManager.DoLoadingForGameManager(GameManagerLoadingSteps gameManagerLoadingStep, out GameManagerLoadingSteps nextStep)
  10. at bool TaleWorlds.Core.GameManagerBase.DoLoadingForGameManager()
  11. at void TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.GameLoadingState.OnTick(float dt)
  12. at void TaleWorlds.Core.GameStateManager.OnTick(float dt)
  13. at void TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Module.OnApplicationTick_Patch1(Module this, float dt)
Thank you.
have the same crash report but different mods. Posted on the improved garrisons mod (the only mod we have in common) page on nexus will update as it goes. Heres mine
have the same crash report but different mods. Posted on the improved garrisons mod (the only mod we have in common) page on nexus will update as it goes. Heres mine

I got rid of all the Mods, deleted Bannerlord folder in documents, uninstalled/re-installed Bannerlord, started a new game every time (after deleting the Bannerlord folder in Documents) and the game continues to crash!

A few times I used the cheat console to add soldiers, money and food and left the main party at its original spawn and ran the game at high speed. The game crashes every time. Most of the time within 5-10 game days, sometimes it makes it to Autumn and once it made it to Winter. Again, no Mods or anything. Just new installs!
  • at int TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Roster.TroopRoster.AddToCountsAtIndex(int index, int countChange, int woundedCountChange, int xpChange, bool removeDepleted)
  • at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Roster.TroopRoster.RemoveTroop(CharacterObject troop, int numberToRemove, UniqueTroopDescriptor troopSeed, int xp)
  • at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Hero.AfterLoad()
I have none of the same mods other than the 4 basic ones we all have (harmony etc..)

I've been checking every thread I can find on the issue and there doesn't seem to be any particular mod overlap. The only behavioral overlap I can see is changing the troop composition (age, or in your case adding soldiers with cheat menu). Yours is the first instance I've seen of a crash while playing. All the other crash reports have been only when trying to load the game.

1. Troop composition / something about 'cheated' ages or composition
2. Some background process like an overly aggressive firewall preventing some data from getting loaded
3. Some corrupt config or windows file not allowing a process to complete

Those are my guesses at the moment. I'm going to try to address all of them but what a PIA!
I can load a previous save which is 4 hours old, but all the others cause the game to crash. The weird thing is thses are late into the campaign at 800 + days. Also did some debugging and found these.
faulty XMLs
Location: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\Modules\Native\Atmospheres\Interpolated\campaign_map.xml
There are multiple root elements. Line 1159, position 2.

clear.xmlLocation: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II
There are multiple root elements. Line 588, position 2.

cloudy.xmlLocation: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II
There are multiple root elements. Line 352, position 2.

dense_snowy.xmlLocation: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II
There are multiple root elements. Line 1229, position 2.

rainy.xmlLocation: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II
There are multiple root elements. Line 352, position 2.

semicloudy_aserai.xmlLocation: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II
There are multiple root elements. Line 1328, position 2.

semicloudy_battania.xmlLocation: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II
There are multiple root elements. Line 1283, position 2.

semicloudy_empire.xmlLocation: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II
There are multiple root elements. Line 1321, position 2.

semicloudy_field_battle.xmlLocation: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II
There are multiple root elements. Line 1251, position 2.

semicloudy_khuzait.xmlLocation: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II
There are multiple root elements. Line 1326, position 2.

semicloudy_sturgia.xmlLocation: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II
There are multiple root elements. Line 1328, position 2.

semicloudy_vlandia.xmlLocation: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II
There are multiple root elements. Line 1324, position 2.

semi_snowy.xmlLocation: D:\steam\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II
There are multiple root elements. Line 1270, position 2.

  • at int TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Roster.TroopRoster.AddToCountsAtIndex(int index, int countChange, int woundedCountChange, int xpChange, bool removeDepleted)
  • at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Roster.TroopRoster.RemoveTroop(CharacterObject troop, int numberToRemove, UniqueTroopDescriptor troopSeed, int xp)
  • at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Hero.AfterLoad()
I have none of the same mods other than the 4 basic ones we all have (harmony etc..)

I've been checking every thread I can find on the issue and there doesn't seem to be any particular mod overlap. The only behavioral overlap I can see is changing the troop composition (age, or in your case adding soldiers with cheat menu). Yours is the first instance I've seen of a crash while playing. All the other crash reports have been only when trying to load the game.

1. Troop composition / something about 'cheated' ages or composition
2. Some background process like an overly aggressive firewall preventing some data from getting loaded
3. Some corrupt config or windows file not allowing a process to complete

Those are my guesses at the moment. I'm going to try to address all of them but what a PI
  • at int TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Roster.TroopRoster.AddToCountsAtIndex(int index, int countChange, int woundedCountChange, int xpChange, bool removeDepleted)
  • at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Roster.TroopRoster.RemoveTroop(CharacterObject troop, int numberToRemove, UniqueTroopDescriptor troopSeed, int xp)
  • at void TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Hero.AfterLoad()
I have none of the same mods other than the 4 basic ones we all have (harmony etc..)

I've been checking every thread I can find on the issue and there doesn't seem to be any particular mod overlap. The only behavioral overlap I can see is changing the troop composition (age, or in your case adding soldiers with cheat menu). Yours is the first instance I've seen of a crash while playing. All the other crash reports have been only when trying to load the game.

1. Troop composition / something about 'cheated' ages or composition
2. Some background process like an overly aggressive firewall preventing some data from getting loaded
3. Some corrupt config or windows file not allowing a process to complete

Those are my guesses at the moment. I'm going to try to address all of them but what a PIA!
try sending the crash report to the devs, they normally deal with unmodded issues. Also what was your party sizes when this happened mine was 350+
MCM, Butterlib, UIExtender, Harmony.
Alliegiance Overhaul, Party Screens Enhancements, Diplomacy, Fourbery, Improved Garrisons.
I've been getting hit with the same crash too. Its super annoying. I'll play for 5 hours one day, then the next day I can't load the last 4-5 saves so I have to rollback and lose 3 hrs of progress. Only mods in common with yours are the first 4, Party Screen Enhancements and Fourberie
Oh it's modded, but I have literally none of the same mods other than Harmony, MCM, you know, the basic 4 at the top.

My party sizes varied, from like 40 to maybe 160. I do think it is mod related. I've been reinstalling all my mods making sure they're updated, doing the usual Windows libraries updates just to be sure. Even though the error doesn't list any mods as involved modules the fact that it's referring to an issue with the troop composition makes me wonder if there are some things not getting saved correctly or a mod has altered something about how this data is saved.

Really too bad that this error isn't caught by the game itself in a recoverable way. If the troop composition is faulty the game should not load that particular troop, and just load the rest. I dunno, giving it the old college try here.
I've been getting hit with the same crash too. Its super annoying. I'll play for 5 hours one day, then the next day I can't load the last 4-5 saves so I have to rollback and lose 3 hrs of progress. Only mods in common with yours are the first 4, Party Screen Enhancements and Fourberie
Exactly. I can play indefinitely, just not load a game! Maybe it's time for a hardcore 30 hour gaming session.
I am having the crashes now even though I uninstalled/re-installed Bannerlord. I am having issues with the actual Vanilla game with versions: 1.9.0, 1.0.0 and 1.0.2. As stated above, I let the game run with my party at spawn location. Most of the time it crashes within 5-10 game days.
These are not saved games, every time I start a brand new game.

I posted in the support forum and copied those codes you get after uploading "the dump", have not heard from TW yet.
1. Troop composition / something about 'cheated' ages or composition
2. Some background process like an overly aggressive firewall preventing some data from getting loaded
3. Some corrupt config or windows file not allowing a process to complete

How do you address number 2 and 3?
How do you address number 2 and 3?
2. Make an exception in the antivirus and firewall advanced settings to have it ignore Bannerlord processes. A pain as you need to set a rule for each process if there are more than one. This used to be a much bigger issue in gaming and rare to see it now but worth a go.

3. Reinstall libraries (see the crash help links in mod's post). This is also almost never the issue but easy enough to do.

4. Update drivers (really unlikely for these kinds of crashes on load)

I uninstalled a lot of mods and have a stable game now. Just slowly reintroducing them. I think some of the sub mods for captivity events were doing 'bad things' to the troop roster (invisible heroes and etc..), but no proof really just a hunch.
2. Make an exception in the antivirus and firewall advanced settings to have it ignore Bannerlord processes. A pain as you need to set a rule for each process if there are more than one. This used to be a much bigger issue in gaming and rare to see it now but worth a go.

3. Reinstall libraries (see the crash help links in mod's post). This is also almost never the issue but easy enough to do.

4. Update drivers (really unlikely for these kinds of crashes on load)

I uninstalled a lot of mods and have a stable game now. Just slowly reintroducing them. I think some of the sub mods for captivity events were doing 'bad things' to the troop roster (invisible heroes and etc..), but no proof really just a hunch.

Great thanks.

Not sure if you have seen this before, but every time I close B&L I get this little warning. It does not last long and I can't make it bigger quick enough to see what it says:

Great thanks.

Not sure if you have seen this before, but every time I close B&L I get this little warning. It does not last long and I can't make it bigger quick enough to see what it says:

Over 100 mods and get this. I use butr loader, do you? Ot might just be a leftover visible warning that ita clearing the memory/navmesh stuff. When i see it, i can feel the game closed correctly.

Apart from that, where are your BL install folder? Mine's at W:, my ssd with only heavy games. I say it because i remembered windows loves scrwing with software installed in C:, especially if theyre under the Programs and Files folder. So a good recommend is to always install games outside the program files folder (a plain C:\new folder\ sometimes is enough).

So if your game is under C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\...\, it might be worth a try to change the game folder. Not aure how to kove it around only C drive wothout reinstalling steam, but im sure theres a way.

The reason for this, afaik is that windows takes security measures with specific folder systems and prohibits certain behaviours, sometimea needed by games, especially pess optimized ones, so it may be affecting BL's performance and coding.

That's a long shot in the dark, though. I might be completely wrong and this is only relevant to windows 7 or who knows. I certainly dont, but following this knowledge, ive never had a problem like locked .dlls or the sort. So take my advice as anecdoctal evidence

Latest Changes:


  • Fixed a memory leak that occurred when returning to the main menu.
  • [PS] Fixed a bug that caused a save to get corrupted when overwriting save files. Old saves might still be corrupted when overwriting (this includes auto-save), so make sure to create a new save file (choose "save as") for any existing saves that you want to safeguard.
  • [PS] Fixed a bug that prevented the deletion of corrupted save files.
  • [PS4] Reduced the save file limit from 32 to 16 to allow for larger files without corruption.
    • If you have more than 16 save files, this will not delete your files. It will only prevent you from creating new files until you are below 16 again. You can overwrite all existing files.
Has anyone found a fix for this? I have the same error but its only been happening in the past 2 weeks so a good month after the last post on this thread. My mod list is:

+ Harmony (Bannerlord.Harmony, v2.2.2.145)
+ UIExtenderEx (Bannerlord.UIExtenderEx, v2.6.0.0)
+ ButterLib (Bannerlord.ButterLib, v2.6.3.0)
+ Mod Configuration Menu v5 (Bannerlord.MBOptionScreen, v5.5.5.0)
+ Native (Native, v1.0.3.0)
+ SandBox Core (SandBoxCore, v1.0.3.0)
+ Sandbox (Sandbox, v1.0.3.0)
+ CustomBattle (CustomBattle, v1.0.3.0)
+ StoryMode (StoryMode, v1.0.3.0)
+ Birth and Death Options (BirthAndDeath, v1.0.3.0)
+ MoreArenas (MoreArenas, e1.5.5.0)
+ Dismemberment (Plus) for v1.0.3 (DismembermentPlus, v2.0.6.0)
+ Xorberax's Legacy for v1.0.3 (XorberaxLegacy, v1.0.5.0)
+ Governors Handle Issues (GovernorsHandleIssues, v1.0.2.7)
+ Fourberie (Fourberie, v10.0.1.0)
+ RTS Camera (RTSCamera, v4.1.19.0)
+ Bodyguards (Bodyguards, v1.0.2.0)
+ RelentlessSmith (RelentlessSmith, v1.0.1.0)
+ Enter Castle/Town With Horse (Aragas.CastleTownWithHorse, v1.0.9.0)
+ Larger Horses (Larger Horses, e1.5.2.0)
+ Detailed Character Creation (zzCharacterCreation, v1.4.7.14:cool:
+ Party Screen Enhancements (PartyScreenEnhancements, v1.6.11.0)
+ DestroyKingdom (DestroyKingdom, v0.3.2.0)
+ Diplomacy (Bannerlord.Diplomacy, v1.2.4.0)
+ Better Attributes (BetterAttributes, v2.4.0.0)
+ Hot Butter (hotbutter, v2.0.2.0)
+ Hot Butter Scenes (hotbutterscenes, e1.8.0.0)
+ KingdomStrategiesCommand (KingdomStrategiesCommand, v1.4.6.0)
+ Captivity Events (zCaptivityEvents, v1.0.3.103:cool:
+ KLBShackles (KLBShackles, e1.5.6.0)
+ Default Captivity Events (zCEDefaults, v1.0.3.103:cool:
+ BC Captor Gear and Girls (BCCaptorGear, v1.0.0.0)
+ OnGovernorChangedWorkAround (OnGovernorChangedWorkAround, e1.1.0.0)
+ OnHeroHealedWhileWaitingWorkAround (OnHeroHealedWhileWaitingWorkAround, e2.0.0.0)

I feel like it has to be to do with a mod I have installed approx 2-3 weeks ago and so the likely culprits would be Fourberie, Captivity Events, Hot Butter, BC Captor Gear and Girls, KLB Shackles, Detailed Character Creation, Better Attributes. That would be a shame as I'm particularly enjoying the first 5.
I uninstalled a lot of mods and have a stable game now. Just slowly reintroducing them. I think some of the sub mods for captivity events were doing 'bad things' to the troop roster (invisible heroes and etc..), but no proof really just a hunch.

I'm also thinking its this - either when you get to recruit troops from the side of the road or you get a hero as a prisoner.
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