Crash loading a saved game

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I know this has been reported but has anyone got a strategy to workaround the computer crashing when attempting to load a saved game? Problem is specific to a computer - others dont have problem.
Try making a new game, save it, then try to load it up again. If it fails, then you know you have a problem. If it loads up fine, it's a problem with the save file, or maybe you installed a mod that isn't compatible with saved games.

If it fails to load the new save file, reinstall M&B.
It fails for every saved game on this machine, always has. This is unmodded demo version (I've bought mine but interested friend would like to run it on his machine and this trouble comes from the downloaded version).
My Pc shuts down to but only some times, but if it does its only when I save in a town or at the salt mines etc.

:idea: If u save ur game at the world map it shouldnt shutdown(at least that works for me), I needed to go trough the demo 7 times and play full verision some time before I found out.
I'm getting the same problem.  Everytime I try and load a certain saved game it restarts the computer.  I found out that this is less likely to happen if I save on the world map, but to my surprise it happened today, damnit.  Any known way to help this?
If it's specific to a single game then the likely reason is corruption of the save file. You can try to recover from the autosave.

Otherwise, the main cause of this problem is integrated video cards (mainly Intel from what I can see). Not much hope in this case. Try increasing the memory available to the card and set the graphics options to minimal, otherwise upgrade to a true video card.
Hmmm i have never noticed this bug before the only "bug" i found is a load of wall glitches in the towns,Did you use a quick save or something?
Ok Arch, good to know.  I'm just glad that it's a problem on my end, due to me being too cheap to get a halfway decent vid card.  I didn't use a quick save, btw.  I guess I'll check and see if there's something in autosaves (although I choose to manually save most of the time)
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