Need More Info Crash getting in Clan management

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Version number
Yes, I used mods.


The game crash when I get in the Clan section. Tried different things : disabling mods, verifying game files, ... the save seems to be corrupted, and it's the not first time.
Rolled back to an older save and got no problem, but I'm trying to figure out what happened. Any idea ?

Report :

- Reasons

Source: mscorlib
Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

- Inner exception

Source: TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.ViewModelCollection
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

- Callstacks

Protip: Use a debugger like dnSpy or Visual studio to trace the source of error, by stepping the program line by line. You can restart with dnSpy attached.
Inner exception callstack: at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.ViewModelCollection.ClanManagement.ClanPartyItemVM.UpdateProperties()
at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.ViewModelCollection.ClanManagement.ClanPartyItemVM..ctor(PartyBase party, Action`1 onAssignment, Action onExpenseChange, Action onShowChangeLeaderPopup, ClanPartyType type, IDisbandPartyCampaignBehavior disbandBehavior, ITeleportationCampaignBehavior teleportationBehavior)
at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.ViewModelCollection.ClanManagement.Categories.ClanPartiesVM.RefreshPartiesList()
at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.ViewModelCollection.ClanManagement.Categories.ClanPartiesVM..ctor(Action onExpenseChange, Action`1 openPartyAsManage, Action onRefresh, Action`1 openCardSelectionPopup)
at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.ViewModelCollection.ClanManagement.ClanManagementVM..ctor(Action onClose, Action`1 showHeroOnMap, Action`1 openPartyAsManage, Action openBannerEditor)
at SandBox.GauntletUI.GauntletClanScreen.TaleWorlds.Core.IGameStateListener.OnActivate()
at TaleWorlds.Core.GameState.HandleActivate()
at TaleWorlds.Core.GameStateManager.OnPushState(GameState gameState)
at TaleWorlds.Core.GameStateManager.DoGameStateJobs()
at TaleWorlds.Core.GameStateManager.PushState(GameState gameState, Int32 level)
at SandBox.View.Map.MapNavigationHandler.PrepareToOpenClanScreen(Action openClanScreenAction)
Outer exception callstack: at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
at TaleWorlds.Library.Common.InvokeWithLog_Patch1(MethodInfo methodInfo, Object obj, Object[] args)
at TaleWorlds.Library.ViewModel.ExecuteCommand_Patch1(ViewModel this, String commandName, Object[] parameters)
at TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.Data.GauntletView.OnCommand(String command, Object[] args)
at TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.Widget.EventFired(String eventName, Object[] args)
at TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ButtonWidget.HandleClick()
at TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.BaseTypes.ButtonWidget.OnMouseReleased()
at TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.EventManager.MouseUp()
at TaleWorlds.GauntletUI.UIContext.UpdateInput(InputType handleInputs)
at TaleWorlds.ScreenSystem.ScreenManager.Update()
at TaleWorlds.ScreenSystem.ScreenManager.Tick_Patch1(Single dt, Boolean activeMouseVisible)

Mods (I know that's a lot) :
+ Harmony (version: v2.2.2.140)
+ UIExtenderEx (version: v2.3.1)
+ ButterLib (version: v2.3.6)
+ Mod Configuration Menu v5 (version: v5.0.4)
+ (RBM) Realistic Battle Mod (version: v3.1.4)
+ Improved Garrisons (version: v4.1.1.3)
+ MoreArenas (version: e1.5.5)
+ Dismemberment (Plus) for v1.0.0 (version: v2.0.5.1)
+ Europe_LemmyProject (version: a1.0.0)
+ Sorted Income (version: v2.4.0)
+ Governors Handle Issues (version: v1.0.0.:cool:
+ BetterExceptionWindow (version: v5.1.1)
+ BannerColorPersistence with BannerPaste (version: v1.4.1)
+ AutoTrader (version: v1.0.0.1)
+ War Cry (version: v4.1.0)
+ Battle Mini Map (version: v1.1.5)
+ Character Manager (version: v3.2.1)
+ RTS Camera (version: v4.1.19)
+ RTS Camera Command System (version: v4.1.19)
+ Diplomacy (version: v1.1.14)
+ AddMoreLooter90% (version: e1.7.2)
+ armor_test (version: e1.5.2)
+ armure_noble_normande (version: e1.9.0)
+ armure_noble_normande_2 (version: e1.5.2)
+ BattleSize (version: v1.0.0.0)
+ Birth and Death Options (version: v1.0.0)
+ camail (version: e1.5.2)
+ Caravans Trade XP (version: v1.1.0)
+ casque_duc_normand (version: e1.5.2)
+ casque_norman_rouge (version: e1.5.2)
+ casque_sicilo_normand_1 (version: e1.5.2)
+ Character Reload (version: v1.9.0.2)
+ Cinematic Camera (version: e1.1.3)
+ CustomBattle (version: v1.0.0)
+ Dedicated Custom Server Helper (version: v1.0.0)
+ gants_en_cuir (version: e1.5.2)
+ gants_en_cuir_2 (version: e1.5.2)
+ mitaines (version: e1.5.2)
+ Multiplayer (version: v1.0.0)
+ My Little Warband (version: v1.8.0)
+ Native (version: v1.0.0)
+ normand_armor_long (version: e1.5.2)
+ Norman_Armour (version: e1.9.0)
+ Norman_army_v2 (version: v1.6.0)
+ Open Source Armory (version: v1.11.0)
+ Open Source Armory: RBM Patch (version: v1.11.0)
+ Open Source Saddlery (version: v1.0.0)
+ Open Source Saddlery: RBM Patch (version: v1.0.0)
+ Open Source Weaponry: RBM Patch (version: v1.0.5)
+ Party Screen Enhancements (version: v1.6.11)
+ POC Color Randomizer mod (version: v1.0.41)
+ Raise your Banner Plus (version: v6.2.0)
+ Raise your Torch (version: v5.1.0)
+ Sandbox (version: v1.0.0)
+ SandBox Core (version: v1.0.0)
+ ScatterAroundExpanded (version: v2.0.1)
+ ScoutingMovmentSpeed (version: v1.2.3)
+ ShowTraitExp (version: v1.8.0.1)
+ StoryMode (version: v1.0.0)
+ Vexillum (version: e1.5.2)
Could you try removing the mods and try to reproduce this on an unmodded save?
Were you able to see the crash uploader tool? If you can upload your crash to us we can check it out. Please don't forget to copy the Crash ID and write it here so that we can find it.
More info about the crash uploader tool can be found here.
Have you checked out these threads about our Crash Checklist and Common Issues and Workarounds? They can help you find a solution as well.
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