In Progress Crash at the stage 1960/2000+ on Istiana's quest

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Quest: Istiana's conspiracy
Crash on next day upon transition of the quest to the 2000/2000 mark
Version: e1.1.2
  • Developer Console 1.3.2
  • ModLib 1.0.0
  • UI fix for RU Firasans 15.0.0
  • Bannerlord Tweaks 1.1.4
OS: Windows 10
GPU: Gtx 950m
CPU: i7 6700hq
RAM: 12gb
Storage Device: Samsung SSD 500gb

I started the game without mods, there is no result, so this is not the reason of a crash.

Using the console, I completed the quest - there was no crash, the game worked on. So, the reason of crash is in this quest. But, I think, quests break in this way.
Please advise what should be after this quest, maybe I can play with the console completed quest.

Crash screenshot.
I also have this issue, with the added problem that trying to boot the game with the developer console mod will crash the game before I can load my save. I'm fairly certain the conspiracy quest is the cause, probably because it tries to execute something that isn't implemented yet when the meter fills.

As a side note, in a playthrough before the "all main quests cancel after year 10" bug was fixed, I managed to complete the primary objective of that section of the game before the conspiracy filled or got deleted. (For me, it was defeat the Empire.) All I saw after that was a screen saying that I'd succeeded before the game resumed as usual. I'm not sure if that's because the rest of the story isn't implemented yet, or if the "Weaken/Restore Empire" quest is the big finale to the story.
I also have this issue, with the added problem that trying to boot the game with the developer console mod will crash the game before I can load my save. I'm fairly certain the conspiracy quest is the cause, probably because it tries to execute something that isn't implemented yet when the meter fills.
I don’t think the reason is in the missing quest. Because the error that the log and VS 2019 gives is "an item with the same key has already been added". At first, I thought it was because the game was creating an existing war. But this is not so: after several attempts, I managed to conclude a truce until the beginning of the next day, but the crash still occurred.

Have you played 10 game years? Strong! :grin:
Hello, i have informed the devs about the issue and i am sure it will be fixed as soon as possible.
Hello! Thank you, I'm really looking forward to!
You can also report a few more issues to the developers.
These are the problems:
1. Some quest givers have a clause in the dialogue "I made a quest condition", although the conditions are not met. Next, the game crashes.
2. Siege towers are not always well placed; as a result, warriors cannot leave them or even crawl onto them.
3. In one deserted city, when leaving the arena through the door, the hero will spawn in the corner of the city map.
4. The game has the ability to endlessly download athletics and hand weapons. You just need to beat your warrior in the shield after the battle in the shelter of the robbers.

Thanks again!
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