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Yes, but I removed mods.
Summary: The game crashes at the loading screen of any battle. I do not have any mods installed. I am using the latest version of the game. I have verified the game files. The game also crashes at custom battles. I have done a full reinstall since using any mods and I am using a new save. I used to play an earlier version of the game a year or two ago with multiple mods installed with no problem.
How to Reproduce: Start any battle
Have you used cheats and if so which: I have used added gold, renown, add skill experience.
Scene Name (if related):
Media (Screenshots & Video):
Computer Specs:
OS: Windows 10
GPU Driver Version: Latest
CPU: Intel I7-7820hk 2.9GZ quad core
Storage Device (HDD/SSD): SSD
To help you further and continue our investigation oF the reported issue, we need the crash report identifier. You should see a pop-up window when the game is crashed. Please follow the instructions there to complete the upload and get the crash report identifier. It will be copied to your clipboard automatically. You can find more info about the crash report identifier here. Have you tried the workarounds for common crashes detailed here? Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience!
As previously mentioned I was able to play the game with all graphics settings on high 600+ unit battles with at least 20 mods with no issue at all a couple years ago on the same machine so its not the specs.

I said in my initial that all drivers were up to date and so is bannerlord, i also said I had verified the games files.

I am using a new install, I deleted everything from the steam folder and downloaded everything fresh from steam. The steam launcher works.

I have tried to get a crash report but when the game crashes the crash reporter does not open. [I will try to get a crash report but last time Bannerlord crashed the crash reporter did not pop up and was not open at all as I checked task manager.]
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Today I performed another clean install. I did this by uninstalling by using the uninstall option in steam then deleted any remaining folders in the steam directory. I then went to my documents and deleted the whole bannerlord folder. I then downloaded the game from steam again (this is now the 4th or 5th time I have done this in about a 2 week period).

Today I also checked and the graphics were set to very high (the setting i used years ago when i used mods) I changed this to medium and it still crashed. I looked at the GPU usage on the performance tab in option and its 2400 out of 8600.

The game still crashes at the loading screen of a battle. The game still DOES NOT give me the crash report option, the game crashes and nothing pops up asking me if I want the crash report.

Is there a way to turn the crash reporter back on?
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Could you crash again and after the crash send us the contents of this folder?
C:\ProgramData\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord\logs
Please send an email to arda.gunduz at taleworlds dot com address
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