SP - General Courtship Length

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Warband courtship felt too long and repetitive and Bannerlord feels way too short.
The courtship is a pretty easy fix that I can see. Just adding longer cooldowns between the courtship steps will make it feel more organic and make the 'marry quick and strip them for gear' tactic less useful.

So here is how it would look:
Introduction (generic-immediate) - wait 18 days,
Announce intent to court - wait 18 days,
"First date" occurs with a dialogue check and provided you pass - wait 18 days,
"Final date" another dialogue check and provided you pass - wait 18 days,
Ask father (or eldest male in her clan if he's deceased or never existed) clan leader for her hand (could add a renown check based off of their clan's tier) and pay dowry - wait 18 days,

That would constitute over a year of courtship in game. The numbers could be adjusted too; like adding another date, but lowering the cooldown between dates.
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This is a good idea but they probably need to adjust the objective thresholds for conversations and make it more apparent what you're supposed to be doing (haircut, matching traits, more money, etc.)

And it's 84 days in a BL year.
Ask father (or eldest male in her clan if he's deceased or never existed) for her hand (could add a renown check based off of their clan's tier) and pay dowry - wait 7 days,
Ask clan leader, I´d say. There are lots of female clanleaders in BL, who must be able do decide for their clan-members.
This is a good idea but they probably need to adjust the objective thresholds for conversations and make it more apparent what you're supposed to be doing (haircut, matching traits, more money, etc.)

And it's 84 days in a BL year.
Yeah it could be nice to have a banner that lists their traits when talking to (any character really), so you have a better sense of what they'll be after rather than constantly exit out of scenes to the encyclopedia to check. edit: we could suggest this as a separate feature since it pertains to all npc encounters.
Ah yeah I'm getting different games' days/year mixed up. I'll adjust the numbers a bit.

Ask clan leader, I´d say. There are lots of female clanleaders in BL, who must be able do decide for their clan-members.
Yeah clan leader would probably be easiest to code too, since that position would always be filled.
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I don't mind the longer time to court but the charm check system would need to change, spend 30 days and get near the end to just fail and there are times I can fail over 10 times getting a success. that would be Courtship Lord not Bannerlord
Yeah the percentages definitely need adjusting. I think currently with 3 green traits/desires its still only like 85%. That should just be 100%, or 95% if you absolutely have to have RNG playing havoc. Pursuing 2+ individuals simultaneously up to a certain step should be allowed, which would at least save you from having to go through the full process again.
that's what I liked about Warband, it was almost 100% unless he found out you didn't ask him first. But I feel a marriage of Warband and Bannerlord would be awesome. As for the gear I have said this before, I take my wife's gear because if they die you can't take it off of them, and same with family and companions, why should I spend 100k t equip someone just to loose it all when they die. Little off topic but that is why I take my wife's gear. Don't need bow since mexxico fixed high tier spawns
Someone mentioned a way to take gear off of them before they disappear from party but I'd have to look it up. Though I agree that the gear should just come up as loot unless you lose the battle.
Well, actually you can manual remove the expensive gear from dead companions at the looting interface. :wink:

Just a little tip in case you did not notice.
Found his quote though I haven't tried it myself, but yeah definitely too round about a way to get the gear back.
I would frame it similar. I'd have it space out over weeks rather then days - and I'd have each visit ask one of the questions; either pushing up the chance of acceptance or lowering it depending on success. That way it feels more like a courtship; and each visit like getting to know one another - rather then a 2 stage interview.
I would frame it similar. I'd have it space out over weeks rather then days - and I'd have each visit ask one of the questions; either pushing up the chance of acceptance or lowering it depending on success. That way it feels more like a courtship; and each visit like getting to know one another - rather then a 2 stage interview.
that's a good idea, if you fail the success chance gets lower, if you succeed the chance gets better, means you are more compatible or not, that let's you figure if it is worth the effort or just abandon and look for someone else
that's a good idea, if you fail the success chance gets lower, if you succeed the chance gets better, means you are more compatible or not, that let's you figure if it is worth the effort or just abandon and look for someone else
Yeah; then you get to option to basically make your proposal when you think is right. If you fail; huge loss of relationship - if you succeed then courtship success!
Yeah; then you get to option to basically make your proposal when you think is right. If you fail; huge loss of relationship - if you succeed then courtship success!
yeah a gamble, like in warband if you court the girl without talking to the dad, there was a chance he would get mad, seems like a great idea to make the game just a bit more intense, that is why I loved Floris mod so much, just enough to make Warband fun but not too much to overload the game
I agree more in-game length should be added in-between visits than we have currently have. You could easily marry the faction leader's daughter as a Tier 1 clan within 3 in-game days.

I agree that the courtship should have more encounters and waiting periods. However I don't think it should take an entire year for this process. Maybe two months in game. What I do believe for sure is the marriage portion should require more steps and prerequisites.

1) If the character is not equivalent in clan ranking towards the person you are attempting the marry, the dowry significantly rises. Right now, you can marry just about any noble for around 7-9k denars regardless of your stature.

2) You can attempt to lower this dowry cost by establishing high relations with clan members and attempting a persuasion check on clan head.

3) # of numbers owned should also calculate into dowry costs as how will you provide for this noble.

4) Once courtship is initiated, you should be alerted of potential rivals that you can either dissuade from progressing or dueling them to prevent further advancement.

5) You can scout for information about the nobles taste and preferences, maybe suggestions of gifts to present them to win favor or change appearance to match their tastes.
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