Couple question about the full game +2 new more...

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I am very tempted to buy the game now, but still should like to ask few questions at first.
1. Is there some kind of plot or it is just get rich and powerfull?
2. Is there a cap of the hero levels (in the regged game of course)?
3. Will I be able to download some kind of manual?
4. Is there an estination when the game will be finished?
First of all:

Ingolifs said:

Mount&Blade Discussion Forum Common question answer form.

Please press all the categories that apply, and you will be taken to a thread that already has it answered.

{X} Where do I find Marnid and Borcha?
{X} How do I get marnid to join my party?
{X} How do I give Borcha and Marnid items?
{X} What is the Four Ways Inn for?
{X} How many computers can I use the serial key on?
{X} Why do I run so slow compared with others?
{X} What affects speed on the world map?
{X} When I fight against 70 enemies, why don't i see them all on the screen at once?
{X} How do I do couch lance damage?
{X} Will there be multiplayer?
{X} How do I take screenshots?
{X} I left marnid and Borcha somewhere, but when i come back, thry're gone.
{X} Are party skills cumulative?
{X} What's this I hear about undead?
{X} What are M&B's cheats?

And finally, you could always try the Mount&Blade FAQ for any other questions.


Next: the game is in beta. There's no storyline yet, but you can do various quests for the factions.

There is no real level cap, when you reach level 50 you need an insane amount of experience to advance o level 51. Basicly, 50 is the cap, but with a mod you can get past it.

Just search the forums. Many manuals are around here. And if you don't find something, just come here and ask. Or PM some member (like me ;p)

As far as I know, nope. The next update will be here in one or two days, as you should've heard.
1. Many people prefer to roleplay their character, and let the plots handle themselves. Depending on the mod you can choose to be on just about anyones side.

2. 50

3. The forums have several manuals on how to trade, equipment lists, and even some threads about troop progression and quests.

4. Armagan posted that v.700 will be out soon, but we don't think of this game as not complete, but a masterpiece in progress.

Hi Handel, welcome to the forums. Unfortuanetly, the answers to your questions are probably not the ones your hoping for. There is no plot at the moment, and it will be a while before the game is finished. Never the less, I encourage you to buy this game. While it is uncompleted now, it will be completed eventually. By buying now, not only do you get the game at half price (see here for details:, you also get the opportunity to help shape a games creation. Players who post on the forum get to play an active role in deciding what features get implemented in the game. How cool is that?
The developpers jut got 12 bucks from me:smile:

And now 2 more questions:
1. What is the tactics skill good for? In another topic it says the tactic skill allows more soldiers from my side in the battle. Is this the only advantage of the tactics? 2. When I join the battle of my allies, is their tactics skill calculated instead of mine if it is more then mine? And in the online help it says: Every 2 points of tactics skill gives 1 point of tactics advantage. Any idea what this means exactly, including how many additional soldiers will be allowed from my side?

2. I have great troubles distinguishing enemies and allies. I have to option turned on, but it takes few seconds for the ID to appear. I should suggest the enemy hit points to appear blue over their heads. Or I am mistaken something? Any advices?

Edit: I undestood now what I thought for hit points bar is actually the type of the soldier. But the font is so small it is hardly readable.
1. What is the tactics skill good for? In another topic it says the tactic skill allows more soldiers from my side in the battle. Is this the only advantage of the tactics?

Tactics skill decides on the troops you get when you enter a battle. It compares your tactics with theirs, your troop number and theirs and I think some other things (maybe who attacked who). Depending on that you can get more troops or less troops than the enemy.

A high tactic doesn't mean you shall win. Of course if the first troops in your party list are peasants it doesn't make much difference. Ten peasants shall be massacred by five dark knights. It just gives you an advantage.

2. When I join the battle of my allies, is their tactics skill calculated instead of mine if it is more then mine? And in the online help it says: Every 2 points of tactics skill gives 1 point of tactics advantage. Any idea what this means exactly, including how many additional soldiers will be allowed from my side?

No clue. You'd have to look in the game files. I don't think it's important to know. Just play and you will learn this stuff yourself.

2. I have great troubles distinguishing enemies and allies. I have to option turned on, but it takes few seconds for the ID to appear. I should suggest the enemy hit points to appear blue over their heads. Or I am mistaken something? Any advices?

No I don't think it's a good idea to see the enemy's hit points. You should be able to distinguish the enemies and friends by the armor and weapons they have. Unless you are using Vaegirs to fight Vaegirs. Then you'll see a green tag on your friends... I don't know what to say because I have never had problems telling the difference.

Edit: I undestood now what I thought for hit points bar is actually the type of the soldier. But the font is so small it is hardly readable.

The closer you get the bigger it is.

A tip: Press [SHIFT] to zoom in. It's very useful for lots of reasons.

Press [~] to zoom out so you can see more around your character.
As far as the tactics skill and battle advantage goes, here's my understanding of it all. There are two things that determine your battle advantage. Tactics, and the size of your party compared to the size of theirs. Every two levels of tactics adds 1 point to your battle advantage. Now, lets say you have the battle size set so there can be...30 units in a battle at once. And lets say your party is equal in size to theirs. That would mean, before tactics skill is taken into account, you would get 15 troops, and they would also get 15 (battle advantage of zero, means its a fair fight as far as numbers are concerned). Now, lets say that you happen to have a tactics skill of 4. That means you get a battle advantage of +2. So this means, from my understanding, you get two additional troops. Now, since i'm not sure how it works exactly, this might mean u get 17 troops and they get 15. Or it could mean you get 16 and they get 14(to keep the battle size at 30). Not sure of the EXACT numbers...but its safe to say you get 2 more troops than your opponent. Likewise, a negative battle advantage means you get fewer troops than your opponent. Keep in mind it is possible to have a tactics of 6 or something, and still have a negative battle advantage simply because you are badly outnumbered. Hope that helps.
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