Couple of suggestions

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I've been playing nonstop for the last week or so and i have to say I love the game, and the community seems to be pretty good around here aswell, so I figured I might aswell post some of my suggestions. Keep in mind I have little to no idea how to develop games so these idea's may be harder to implement than I think.

- Prompted escort missions, for rescued farmers, peasants, and the like. After a battle if I can't take these people into my group I should be able to offer them safe passage to the nearest town. To expand on this idea it would be wonderful to escort refugees to Zendar so they can avoid the war. Having an option to escort them in the dialog screen when you talk to them on the map, would be the easiest way to prompt this. The reward for such noble acts could be as simple as a dozen or so experiance per person escorted or an item from the party.

- Order surrender option in prebattle screen. When fighting a group of River Pirates or another type of enemy that is vastly out ranked and outnumered, I would like to be able to order them to surrender. The same applies for when fighting a large group of enemies and their number's dwindle I would like to give them the option of surrendering. I believe that for the most part if confronted with the choice of dieing or being captured to be sold into slavery, with the chance of escape, most people would choose to live and fight another day. This could be implemented by the tactical advantage of your party being the gauge for when this option would appear, this would also bring up the value of the tactics skill.

That's pretty much it for idea's I haven't seen yet on these forums, not to say they aren't here, thanks for the great game and keep up the good work.
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