Couched lance... what's it about?

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Sergeant at Arms
Sorry, my first language isn't english, and I don't know what this "couched lance" is about... All I know is that's it's the thing that makes me lose my money in the tournaments :wink:
Anyone care to explain?
first you have to mount a horse then increase your speed.your character will couch his lance then try to hit people when the lance is crouched but don't press attack button.hope that helps :wink:
Watch one of those old movies with Robert Taylor, e.g. Ivanhoe or Knights of the Round Table and watch the way they use their lances in tournaments :smile: :grin:

They usually don't stab with the lance at each other (what happens when you press the attack button) but they just point the lance forward and press it hard against their body, basically becoming one unit with horse, knight and weapon. By this, the force on the tip of the lance is purely defined by the speed of the horse.
It is also harder to deflect such an attack with a shield as the thrust direction is not just driven by hand, wrist and arm but more the whole body of the knight.

Just test it with a broom:
1. Hold the broomstick in the middle, point it forward and stab against a target by just pushing it with your arm - this is equivalent with the attack button.
2. Mount your bicycle, hold the broomstick in the middle, press the rear end of the broomstick with the arm hard against the side of your body (not against the front, e.g. the belly!!!), accelerate to 40km/h and hit your target again - that's the couched lance attack.

Disclaimer: Neither the creator of this post nor the owner or the moderators of this forum take any responsibility for any damage and injuries to things or people by following above suggestions! :shock: :roll: :lol:
Yeah, when I was a newbie, I was all poking and nudging people with the lances, but NOW... being a l33t kn1ght 0f d00m, I don't poke nor nudge anymore! No! I SMASH THEIR HEADS TO GOOEY GUE, JUMP OFF MY HORSE, AND HACK THEM TO TINY BITS AND EAT THEM LATER WITH MY PARTY OF NOBLE, BRAVE KNIGHTS!!!!

... *ahem*
WhoCares said:
Disclaimer: Neither the creator of this post nor the owner or the moderators of this forum take any responsibility for any damage and injuries to things or people by following above suggestions! :shock: :roll: :lol:
Lol, bicycle jousting could be fun...
Just test it with a broom:
1. Hold the broomstick in the middle, point it forward and stab against a target by just pushing it with your arm - this is equivalent with the attack button.
2. Mount your bicycle, hold the broomstick in the middle, press the rear end of the broomstick with the arm hard against the side of your body (not against the front, e.g. the belly!!!), accelerate to 40km/h and hit your target again - that's the couched lance attack.

Ahahahahahahaha!!!!! Thats hilarious man. *has funny mental image of someone charging a cop car with a broomstick on a bike* Someone should go try this and see if their 1337 M&B $ki11z apply to real life.
DaLagga said:
Ahahahahahahaha!!!!! Thats hilarious man. *has funny mental image of someone charging a cop car with a broomstick on a bike* Someone should go try this and see if their 1337 M&B $ki11z apply to real life.
Just see Jackass Season 1/Episode 6. It's definitelly worth a watch. :smile:
For the release of Star Wars Episode 2 a group of friends and I, all on motorbikes were jousting with lightsabres in the car-park.

Great fun! Lightsabres don't survive too long, and whenthe police turned up, they just watched n laughed.

Jez XxX
I can one up ALL of you. *I've* jousted with a fork-truck. :twisted:

It took a 1/2" steel plates to work as armor, and we bounced like all hell when we hit, but we did it.
"Have at thee, automobiles! Prepare to defend thy radiators!" :grin:
Man, those cop cars are armored better than chargers. I did three passes with couched broom attack and they were still charging!

I got knocked unconscious and played dead but still ended up in the slammer. Damn!
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