Couched lance tips?

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I wonder if they can add auto couch as well.

Having these preferences as something that could be toggled would be lovely. I've come to enjoy the option of couching by using X; it offers more flexibility.

I've grown to hate manual blocking, however -- especially as with some weapons the thrust and left swing chamber look very much alike. When I did fight training, I worked defenses and attacks until they were reflexive and natural; I often didn't even realize consciously what was coming, I simply moved in relation to it without thinking. I have no intention of spending that much time on mastering one small facet of a video game, even if I love the game (and props to those of you who have mastered it -- that's pretty impressive!). So I boosted athletics, stay light, and use footwork to move in and out of ranges of engagement, or quickly step and turn for flank strikes. I rarely block anymore, unless it's with a shield. So I'd like to be able to toggle manual blocking on and off, too. :smile:
Having these preferences as something that could be toggled would be lovely. I've come to enjoy the option of couching by using X; it offers more flexibility.

I've grown to hate manual blocking, however -- especially as with some weapons the thrust and left swing chamber look very much alike. When I did fight training, I worked defenses and attacks until they were reflexive and natural; I often didn't even realize consciously what was coming, I simply moved in relation to it without thinking. I have no intention of spending that much time on mastering one small facet of a video game, even if I love the game (and props to those of you who have mastered it -- that's pretty impressive!). So I boosted athletics, stay light, and use footwork to move in and out of ranges of engagement, or quickly step and turn for flank strikes. I rarely block anymore, unless it's with a shield. So I'd like to be able to toggle manual blocking on and off, too. :smile:

I can "usually" manage around a 75%-80% block rate against a single opponent using a non super fast weapon just BARELY but I really can't manage for the life of me to put up any sort of effective offense while doing so, I just don't have the reaction speed. Hell even if I did I wouldn't WANT to. 90% of the time I'm either mounted (and it's a rare day you need to block due to how short weapons are) using a bow, or just auto resolving everything. The rare time I actually NEED to block without a shield I just don't feel like going through the effort of doing so. I play games to relax, no be stressed out. Also with the glacial player movement speed compared to even mid tier units for not PURELY non-mounted characters getting dismounted is usually a death sentence anyway and you get swarmed. So for those rare times you need it I'd much prefer just r-clicking each attack made at me instead of having to worry about direction.

On a side note I'd also much prefer to see the return of enemy relative attack direction. 95% of the time you are mounted anyway and it would be much more simple to just automatically swing off the left or right side of your horse by facing that direction like in the previous titles. The directional drag combat feels non-responsive at time and you often end up swinging in the opposite direction while trying to keep your camera aimed correctly.
I could do it in 1.03 and 04, though I haven't tried in 05. I play exclusively in first person view (yes, I exist), and it felt to me the control had been mostly the same. At times though it seems it must be the tip of the lance to contact the enemy for it to count as a hit. I thought it silly when the shaft of the lance just passed through the bandit I was charging.
Though using swords and whatnot are slightly more difficult now, I found I had to "lean" to the side to hit. Read somewhere it was due to character height. Maybe your character's too tall you had to adjust your aim accordingly.
You just need a lance that can be couched and press "x" as soon as you are fats enough.

I found using 'x' was beyond awkward, so I remapped the button to the centre mouse button. Much, much easier to use for me now, although I don't use couched lance all that often. But I haven't had too much of a problem when I do use it.
I could do it in 1.03 and 04, though I haven't tried in 05. I play exclusively in first person view (yes, I exist), and it felt to me the control had been mostly the same. At times though it seems it must be the tip of the lance to contact the enemy for it to count as a hit. I thought it silly when the shaft of the lance just passed through the bandit I was charging.
Though using swords and whatnot are slightly more difficult now, I found I had to "lean" to the side to hit. Read somewhere it was due to character height. Maybe your character's too tall you had to adjust your aim accordingly.

Yeah, I play in 3rd person rather than 1st -- that's probably the issue. And yes, the angles have changed considerably from the last time. I've started hitting with the couched lance now, but I have to basically be looking at my horse's front hooves to do so, rather than looking at the target. And after getting lance hits down last night, I'm more convinced than ever that the collision mesh is a little screwy -- especially after ending up with my lance literally poking right through the middle of a guy's torso without damaging him (and it sounds like you experienced something very similar).

The more I play this, the more I think they made a mistake in transitioning away from the prior set-up for combat. It's not just lances, but many weapons on horseback now require essentially looking at the ground rather than at what you're trying to hit or where you're going, and that's counter-intuitive. The game no longer 'feels' right to me. I still play it, it's still fun, but it feels like it's lost something. Combat used to feel graceful when you were on a roll. Now it feels jerky and stilted.

As an aside; short weapons now seem much easier to use on horseback. The 'only the tip' issue seems to work against long cavalry swords, too. But if you use a standard infantry axe or mace, which should be sub-optimal, they now rock from horseback.
Use polearms that have "cut" damage. so you don't use it just to "poke" but to "poke" and "cut".

Use it as it was a sword (to "cut") when o horseback.

Congrats, you have a really OP anti-cavalry unit.
I may also add I think the Length is Messed up, as I've watched my Tip drive home and not hit or somehow they wacked me with a Stick for 20 damage

Yeah, it is kind of BS for a Looter with a pitchfork to stab my horse when my lance with a 220 length apparently can't reach him. I mean I get that I am seated back from the head and chest of my horse so he has to strike a shorter distance than I do but a lance should actually be long enough that you still need something longer than a pitchfork to hit my horse first.
Yeah, it is kind of BS for a Looter with a pitchfork to stab my horse when my lance with a 220 length apparently can't reach him. I mean I get that I am seated back from the head and chest of my horse so he has to strike a shorter distance than I do but a lance should actually be long enough that you still need something longer than a pitchfork to hit my horse first.

Hell, last night my character got stabbed with a pitchfork, while my 'fine steel menavilion' with over 200 length whiffed, coming up short. I feel your pain.
I am glad to know that it isn't just me then. I was able to hit a looter for 681 couched lance damage with a sturgeon spear. Most of the time I seem to miss though. I went back to using the lance like a spear as I am pretty good at killing things with it when it isn't couched.

I had to use a bow to level my riding as using a spear wasn't getting the job done. I am still unhappy about that.
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