Couched Lance On Foot.

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Master Knight
I think you should be able to couch lance on foot, kneel down and hold a spear/lance so when an enemy whos mounted charges in, you can take him or the horse out in one hit (just like mounted units take you down in one hit)

If this has been suggested before, my apologize, I used the search but practicaly every other thread came up.
i like the idea, however i don't think it should be "couched" persay because to me that brings up the image of a guy running around with the lance in front, what i am thinking is more like having long spears grounded (kind of like braveheart) and then you hold your ground
'Brace for impact' would be a good term...

Take spear/lance/long pointed weapon, put the buttspike well into the ground, level the point towards oncoming enemy cavalry, put right foot (if you are righthanded) behind the spike to keep it firmly in place when contact it achieved, follow cavalry in with point, pray for the best.

This would grant infanty a chance to take out couchers without limiting it's own abilities or makign it impossible to hit with it (such as with dodging). And since spears are rather unpopular as weapons this might increase their popularity. Sword (good vs infantry, no protection from cavalry), spear (bad vs infantry, superb protection against cavalry).
When I read the title I thought it was something about running really fast to get it couched.

Anyway, it's a nice idea.
It's called grounding the spear. Adding that might add quite a bit more tactics to the use of horses, trying to keep them from getting impaled. :smile:
You already can kill a horseman with a spear. If you're in the right position and you time it right and the horseman can't hit you, the horse will always rear before he can reach you.
I don't think that lances (well, atleast not great/jousting) should have this feature, because of the grip. However, pikes and spears could be used like this.
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