Costum music.

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To a mod or to your game only?

If your game, well open the M&B folder, then open the "Music" folder, and put your music.

If it's in a mod you need to edit the music.txt file.
MrRoy said:
To a mod or to your game only?

If your game, well open the M&B folder, then open the "Music" folder, and put your music.

If it's in a mod you need to edit the music.txt file.
If i edit the game wont it automatically also change my mods music?
Ok, i am trying to grasp that sentence, it barely doesn't make sense every time.

Edit your game how?
And nothing is automatic, how should it change your mods music?

Edit: I think i got it now; You got a mod, and want to change Native's music, but you are wondering if it will change the music of the mod.
If so:
Well, that depends on the mod and how you mod native:
If the mod uses custom music, no.
If you add the music, no.
If the mod does not use custom music, and you replace the music, yes.
Sorry, i meant music with when i sad game.

If i edit the music wont it automatically also change my mods music?

EDIT: Thanks, Sheriff and MrRoy.

EDIT: So all i have to do is take out the Native music and put the ones I want in, right?
There is no music in Native, only in M&B.

Go in the music folder of M&B and NOT native. Back up everything and put your music (if you made it yourself, make sure the name is the same or it won't read it)
MrRoy said:
There is no music in Native, only in M&B.

Go in the music folder of M&B and NOT native. Back up everything and put your music (if you made it yourself, make sure the name is the same or it won't read it)
Hehe, great. Thanks.

Sheriff-murder said:
Sorry if i made a confusion, i see Native module and the M&B files as the same thing. :razz:
So do I.
And ehm, does it has to be an ogg. file or can i just use mp3. ?
Heh, I replaced the file but now i cant hear any music at all.  :neutral:

Here's what i did. I opened the c:/pf/m&b/music dic. Next (Ive taken fight_1 as example) i removed fight_1 and replaced it with a song. And then i renamed my song to fight_1 .
You also need to edit the music file to look for .mp3 instead of .ogg .
The easiest way to do this is to download the module system
Set it up.
Replace all .ogg with .mp3

Otherwise you have to convert them into ogg.
Tried to use module system but my computer doesn't allow it. Ill try to convert.

I dont want to spam but a day passed and this thread went down. So, ehm anyone?
Is there only 19 tunes in your music folder?
There should be 63 in total, if you removed the ones you couldn't replace, then the game would of course just play nothing in the situations they should play.
No no, I have 63 in total but i replaced 19 and none of these is working.
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