corrupt savegame?

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hi all,

i'm pretty new here, i downloaded the demo/shareware/free version some weeks ago and got addicted pretty fast. about a week ago i purchased the game and played all nights since then :wink:

now i have leveled up quite far, and quitted the game as always (with saving). when i want to load the game again, everything seems to be fine, except the message that 'the party has nothing to eat'. when i look in my inventory, all equipped items are gone :sad:

but that isn't the main problem, i could live with that. when i look into the party window, all soldiers (i had about 40) except one horseman is gone :mad:

but that isn't the main problem either, maybe i could live with that too. but as soon as i try to walk one step, the game crashes completely with the error message:

Assertion failed!

Program: I:\Moun&Blade\mount&blade.exe
File: D:\armagan\creature\vertexshade.../rglSta...ector.h
Line: 188

Expression: (i>=0) && (i<num_ids)

with the options retry, cancel and ignore - where cancel is the only option not to restart my computer :cry:

is there any solution to this problem or is this savegame lost forever?

thanks in advance,
Is it only from the save game this occurs?

If it is corrupted, then it's unlikely you'll be able to get it back. You could always try and re-create your character with the cheats...
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