Corpse Raiding

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Has corpse rading been suggested at all? Like taking a dead guys sword? Obviously not armor, but taking arrrows off the ground or something.

Also, I tried a no horse warrior and I was annoyed to learn that when you go sideways, you lose all your momentum, even when you rotate and side step the way you were going.
May I suggest the following?
A: Ability to use a corpse as cover from arrows
B: Ability to 'feign death' while lying in the middle of a bunch of corpses
C: Ability to chop off limbs and use them as a throwing blunt weapon
D: BBQ the dead and make dried meat. Possibly selling it all to a merchant or feeding it to your troops.
Well, I can't be sure what bhopping is, but I am pretty sure I was not.

And sorry for posting an often posted idea.
No need to apologize at all.

As long as you give a decent attempt not to do it, noone should mind ... considering that you are trying to help improve the game. Thats a good thing. :grin:

I believe that bhopping was a short way of saying nummy-hopping, by the way.

I believe that bhopping was a short way of saying nummy-hopping, by the way.
Not sure what nummy-hopping is. But what i meant was bunny hopping. You know, abusing/exploiting the physics on some of the older games to move extremely fast (most notably, halflife).
Depends... Strafe jumping was a 'skill' in Q3, bunny hopping was considered lame in half life ::smile:
I was doing neither of those things. I was just walking regularly sideways. You know, as you walk along, you accelerate, but when you hit one of the sideways buttons (default A and D) you lose all the acceleration.
Volkier said:
B: Ability to 'feign death' while lying in the middle of a bunch of corpses
You already do that when you are knocked out and your party defeated. Wouldn't be good if you made the enemy suspicious at your true status if you ambushed them earlier (how many would fall for the same trick twice?).
I'm not sure i understand you correctly Stonkey. There is no speeding up or down really. Once you press "w" you are instantly moving forward at full speed. Once you're moving forward and hit "a" to sidestep to the left, then you instantly switch directions and are moving at full speed. There was a thread a little while back about a slight speed up and slowing down idea to reduce to reduce the "ice skating" feel that M&B and most games have.
Its actually horsemeat... Try putting a horse into the 'food' box - you will get dried meat.

Personally I would rather butcher one of my troops or the dead corpse of an enemy instead of my spirited charger (minus the armor) or spirited hunter ::\
Well DaLagga, I guess maybe my computer is odd, but when I walk, I slowly pick up speed. Is that not supposed to happen?
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