corona? :(

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The Social Monitoring app tracks users via GPS and sends them random notifications demanding a selfie to prove they’re still at home.
If it detects they’ve left home or they fail to provide a photo, they face a fine of about $56 each time
Damn ?
More importantly POTUS announced that the people who made the AIDS vaccine are also working on "various things".

TRUMP, on scientists: “These are the people – the best, the smartest, the most brilliant anywhere, and they’ve come up with the AIDS vaccine. They’ve come up with ... various things.” — Tuesday at the White House.
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Schrodinger's virus, it's a thing. If you see it it's there, if you don't, who knows. Maybe it is there, maybe it's not. Some very smart people have said it and studied it for years, and many more. Tremendous people, the best and brightest. They are so smart you wouldn't believe it. I know this because I have a certain you-know-what.

I genuinely would love to have a serious conversation with someone who still believes in this man to understand why. Like, what would it take to make them stop believe? How far does he need to go?
I genuinely would love to have a serious conversation with someone who still believes in this man to understand why. Like, what would it take to make them stop believe? How far does he need to go?
In order to determine why certain social groups in the United States are susceptible to certain political tweets is masters-degree thesis-material imo and I truly believe that there is no simple answer and the motivation for that is found in a vast array of reasons. He makes for an excellent case study regarding political theories because I believe that he actually is following an agenda.

Edit: Case study*
I genuinely would love to have a serious conversation with someone who still believes in this man to understand why. Like, what would it take to make them stop believe? How far does he need to go?
That's not hard to understand. Supporters of Trump when he lies will either say
he was joking, or
he exaggerated to state a point, or
there's truth in the lie, or
he had good reason to lie, or
it's not a lie, it's an opinion, or
it's an "alternative fact", or
other politicians have lied about far worse (whataboutism), or
he didn't lie because he simply didn't know, or
was given the wrong information by someone.

One of Trump's favourite phrases is "they say...", or "I was told...", (but never reveals all these knowledgeable people) giving him a wildcard to say anything and blame it on wrong information.

Some of his lies and ramblings - and this is just about the pandemic:
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That's not hard to understand. Supporters of Trump when he lies will either say
he was joking, or
he exaggerated to state a point, or
there's truth in the lie, or
he had good reason to lie, or
other politicians have lied about far worse (whataboutism), or
he didn't lie because he simply didn't know, or
was given the wrong information by someone.

One of Trump's favourite phrases is "they say...", or "I was told...", (but never reveals all these knowledgeable people) giving him a wildcard to say anything and blame it on wrong information.

Some of his lies and ramblings - and this is just about the pandemic:

Right, but what baffles me completely is that he said things that are obviously absurd on so many topics that I just can't comprehend how anyone could take him seriously at this point. Like, I don't know, trying to get "tremendous amounts of light" inside someone's body, or drinking bleach. It's not that he lied about something political or said controversial things, he is just plain not making any sense at all.
He ended that by saying "I think it's something that should be looked into" (not quite verbatim).
Supporters will just say he was musing ideas, and some even dug up an ad for a bogus treatment with UV light in the lungs.
Trump really proves the ancient rhetorical rule that what matters most is not what you say, but how you say it.
Nobody (or very insignificant number of people) really vote or like Trump for what he is. They like him and vote for him because what (they perceive) he isn't. Those clumsy attempts to defend him are clumsy exactly because they are a way they deal with the dissonance of liking what he isn't, but not really liking what he is.
Nobody (or very insignificant number of people) really vote or like Trump for what he is. They like him and vote for him because what (they perceive) he isn't. Those clumsy attempts to defend him are clumsy exactly because they are a way they deal with the dissonance of liking what he isn't, but not really liking what he is.
That's an interesting way of describing it. I've never heard anyone put it like that before. I wonder if politics, even for Trump voters, has become a matter of choosing the lesser evil, or of voting for someone not because you believe in him, but because you're afraid of what will happen if the other party gets into power. That seems to be a common line of thought among Democrat/left-leaning voters since the 2016 election (myself included), but that's kind of a scary thought if people on both 'sides' are thinking that way. People should be voting for candidates because they believe in them, not because they're afraid of the other guy.

edit: apologies for the rambling. I could be stating the blatantly obvious and/or talking out of my ass. I'm tired.
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