Copious notes

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Lord Michlo


I thought I'd leave an example of the notes I (and I'm sure most of us) have to take in order to keep track of everything.  Perhaps the devs can include some of this in the (anxiously awaited) sequel.  The following is from my current Brytenwalda game but whichever one I'm playing they are very similar. :smile:


Mount & Blade Warband Brytenwalda

Vassals & estates:

Caer Magnis (Castle), LlangWern

Caer Caratauc (Castle), Dewyddwella

Ealdorman Osgudu Aethelfrithing
Loidis (Town), Dinas Emrys (Castle), Campodunum

Mael Dumnagual map Mynddog
Din Arth (Castle), Benchoer Moer

Ealdorman Aethelwald
Dinas Powys (Castle), Llan Docgwinn

Ard Tiarna Fecher Conall Cerr
Caer Legeion Guar Usic (Castle), Merthyr Tydfil

Guledic Llywarch map Tewdwr
Lost a castle twice

Aetheling Eormenred Eadbalding
Crumbford (Castle), Helfeld

Aetheling Eorcenberht Eadbalding
Din Cogan (Castle), Ynas Towy

Guledic Congar map Brioc (Dyfed)
Caer Sws (Castle), Cinlipiuc

Guledic Withenoc map Teilo (Dyfed)

Mael Gwlyddien map Nowy (Dyfed)
Halhfeax, Bartun

Guledic Brychan map Gwlyget (Goutodin)
Eoferwic (Castle), Scythles, Poclintun, Wicstun, Inderawuda

Guledic Cynan map Clydno (Goutodin)
Middelsburh (Castle), Anava

Mael Eugein map Bili (Alt Clut)
Caer Wenddoleu (Town), Arderydd,

Mael Morcant Glas map Morfael
Llanerch, Brememium

Tiern Dingat map Nudd (Alt Clut)
Caer Aeron, Gobhann

Tiern Tewdwr map Peredur (Dumnonia)
Hlew Ceaster (Castle), Wlencing

Mael Culmin map Petroc
Kelliwic (Castle), Carwynnen

Ealdorman Ceadda Cuthwinning (Suth Seaxe)
Denisesburna (Castle), Hefenfelth

Eadorman Cynebald Cuthwinning (Suth Seaxe)
Hrofaes Ceaster (Castle), Cetham

Aetheling Ceowald Cuthwulfing (Suth Seaxe)
Colne Ceaster (Castle), Clacc Inga Tun

Gyldeford (Castle), Westarham

Ealdorman Beorhtferth (Mierce)
Cisse Ceaster (Castle), Bucgan Ora

Ecgwald (Hwicce)
Caer Baddan (Castle), Badun

Guledic Brychan map Gwlyget
Dinas Bran (Castle), Opergelei

Ealdorman Oslaf Aethelfrithing (Bernaccia)
Theodford (Castle), Cyddaingastun

Dryhten Eanfrith (Hwicce)

Dryhten Aethlewine (Bernaccia)

Tiern Cwyar map Dwywg

Ealdorman Cuthgils Ceolwulfing (Suth Seaxe)

Aetheling Cenwalth Cynegilsing (Gewissae)
Cippanhamme (Castle), Wodetun

Ealdorman Osguid Aethelfrithing (Bernaccia)
Esterteferd (Castle)

Ard Tiarna Dunchad mac Fiachnai (Ulaid)
Vintan Ceaster (Castle), Weargebuman

Tiarna Airmetach Caech mac Conaill (Ulaid)

Guledic Gwion map Cyndrwyn

Tiarna Faelchu mac Airmetach (Ulaid)

Guledic Bleddyn map Bledric (Dumnonia)

Tiarna Fergus mac Rogallig (Connaught)
Mai Dun

Ealdorman Saebii Seaxreding (East Saxna)

Hlaford Oswiu Aethelberhting (Bernaccia)

Tiern Angharad Tonfelen map Riderch Hael (Alt Clut)

Guledic Gwrgant Fawr map Cynfyn (Gwent)

Mael Cynfyn map Allech

Tiern Brochael map Swalda

Tiarna Drust mac Donuel (Dal Diarna)
Pen Rhionydd

Din Rheged (Castle)

Din Drust (Castle)       

Din Tagell (Castle)

Guledic Hygarfael map Cyndrwyn (Glastenic)

Ard Tiarna Fecher mac Conaill Cerr (Ui Neill)
Aileach (Town), Daire Calgaich, Buireann, Leim an Eich
Ath Berchna (Castle), Baile Loch

Ealdorman Tondberct (East Angla)

Available estates:

Norwic (Castle), Cantaleah


Airgialla - Ruire Mael Odhar Caech mac Feradaig
Alt Clut - Ri Bili map Neithon
Connaught - Ruire Rogallach mac Matach
Lindisware - Cyning Eanferth Biscoping (NAP)
Mierce - Cyning Penda Pybbing (NAP)


Fortriu - Ri Gartnait map Gwid
Ui Neill - Ard Ruire Domnaill mac Aedho


Laigin - Ruire Faelan mac Colmain Mair
Mumain - Ruire Failbhe Flann mac Aedho


Bernaccia - Brytenwalda Oswald Aethelfrithing - p (x)
Brycheiniog - Ri Rhiwallon map Idwallon (x)
Cantware - Cyning Eadbald Aethelberhting (x)
Dal Riata - Ruire Domnal Brecc mac Echach (x)
Dumnonia - Ri Petroc Baladreddellt map Clement (x)
Dyfed - Ri Nowy Hen map Arthur (x)
East Engla - Cyning Annan Ening (x)
East Seaxna - Cyning Sigeberht Parvus Saewarding (x)
Gewissae - Cyning Cynegils Ceolricing (x)
Glastenic - Ri Morfael map Cyndrwyn Glas (x)
Goutodin - Ri Mynyddog Mwynfawr map Cunbelin (x)
Gwent - Ri Meurig map Tewrig (x)
Hwicce - Dryhten Eanhere - p (x)
Rheged - Ri Rhoedd map Rhun (x)
Suth Seaxe - Cyning Cuthwulf Cuthwining (x)
Ulaid - Ruire Congal Caech mac Scandal Sciathlethan (x)

Companions & persuasion skill:

Agasicles - 8
Aleifr - 5
Athrwys ap Gwawrddur - 6
Brian - 6
Ciniod -
Connor mac Odhrain - 6
Eadwine - 8
Inka -
Liuva - 8
Matui Turthail - 7
Onuist - 1
Orosio - 9


Ceawlin - 4

My estates:


Alt Clut
Caer Ligualid
Caer Luit Coyt
Caer Maunguid
Caer Meguaidd
Caer Peris
Caer Went
Cirren Ceaster
Din Bych
Din Cado
Din Gonwy
Llys Pengwern


Caer Legionis
Caer Lloyw
Caer Manaw


Ad Candidam Casam
Bangor Is Coed
Bos Menegh
Eclesia hyll
Eglwys Tysilio
Elfed a
Fearr Leah
Gwythel Yel
Lan Withennoc
Llan Forfael
Llan Heledd
Llan y Hadein
Maes Cogwy
Merthyr Cynog
Moel Fryn
Mynw a
Rhaeadr Gwy
Ynys Manaw
Yns Metcaut
Ynys Mon
Yr Wyn


Din Baer (Castle), Aberlessic


Ard Tiarna Crundmael mac Ronain (Connaught), daughter is Fedelm
Ard Tiarna Laidgnen mac Colmain (Connaught), daughter is Ingen Rogallaig at Aidhne

Toiseach Domlech (Fortriu), daughter is Ingen Gwydd at Dun At

Tiern Brochael map Swalda (Dal Riata), daughter is Morwyl at
Guledic Gwrgant Fawr map Cynfyn (Dal Riata), daughter is Anna at

Ealdorman Tondberct (East Engla), sister is Aelftrudis at

Dryhten Eanfrith (Hwicce, now CW), daughter is Edburge (-19)

Dispute quest -



Archers division 3, Skirmishers divisions 4 - 9

1st - majority heroes, 2nd - majority horses, 3rd - majority ranged

F2, F7 to memorize placement, Hold F1 to place divisions

U - battlecry
B - warcry
T - use fire (sieges and ships)
F6 - skirmish order
F9 - volley on / off
Right and left click - shield bash
At first I thought you meant Travel Map notes.

Then I had no Idea, what the heck you meant.

Are you seriously not understanding what I said?

Do you not have to take lots of notes during your game in order to keep track of who is doing what, who has what, etc.?

I can't imagine trying to play this game without such notes.
i only tally garrison tallies and such keep tabs of an even set of different troops.  or ill prefab which companions will represent what skill.

other than that.... your brytenwalda information was all gibberish to me.

i once tried to make in depth spread sheet for a trade character. then the prices went drastically different. but then recently i discovered you can access the ledger from assessed good.

i used to try and do notes on the travel map, but it never worked consistently for me.

as for all your other jumble i reckon that the character realm screen gives me all the information i need if i do so need it.

but i do like scripting all the information to a fine detail as you did. really helps you dimensionalize it.
Thanks for the reply.

Aye, I've found that some of this is covered more easily depending on which mod I'm using.

Brytenwalda isn't one of them (although I love the mod for other reasons).

So I need to know which lord has which estate when I'm dishing them out as it doesn't tell me in the conversation dialogue.  And, of course, I list what is still available and near to each other to help me decide.  So that is the first list of "gibberish".  Those are names of my vassals (usually followed by where they came from) and the estates I've granted them.

The next should be self explanatory.  I like to readily know the status of kingdom relationships at a glance and especially with Brytenwalda where you can easily end up at war with 20+ kingdoms at a time. heh.

Next, when you're trying to decide who to send as an emissary you need to know who has what level of persuasion skill, hence that list.

Then I keep track of my own estates since one of the most frustrating elements of this game is that estate lists are in no particular order and don't show which still need upgrades / tax changes.  How many times we have to go through the entire list looking for which need changes is irksome.  I try to keep an eye on messages and then note next to my estate names which I'll have to work on next time I'm at home.

Next to last, courtship in Brytenwalda is particularly difficult since, as mentioned earlier, one is usually at war with a great many kingdoms at once so I keep track of any progress I'm making.

Finally, I just have notes for quests or in-game commands as there is a fair bit to remember.

I hope that clarifies all the gibberish. heh.

aye i understand - honestly at first I did not link brytenwalda whatsoever to your post until you clarified. I have stayed mostly simplistic I found those extensive mods to be more frustration over any enjoyment to be found. Except the realism affect of anno-domini... lot of oppurtunity to bare the burden of the volume to the development of the singular.

haha = just truly got thrown off from standard note taking when I started reading the name list to your variable circumstances.

it is a true transconfiguration to scribe the results of the interactions in this game. hardy structural allignment in administering the details of your active wartime entanglement.

I just most recently installed Floris Workshop, which if you are familliar with Floris Mod Pack, is a INCREDIBLE subsidization of affect and immersion versus any of the variants of expansive gameplay or basic.... satisfying truly standard basic desires of mount and blade.

before that though I just tried Tocans Caldria, which is basic all the same... BUT... 60-80 new heros and lord knows how many incrimented bandit parties...

whew.. i say.. whew.

for me though end of the day... once i ride that hump on that experience trail as a warrior or trader into my grove as a warlord or hero of vassalge. I gain that competence between set fellows, and I establish my kingdom through strict allignment of gain to my procedure ( as it may alter ) --- and in that...  I just really decorate a role play scenario and play  into that buffer zone....

say i take one king dome while residing popular to another, i then vary the garrison, either policing or favoring loyalties... or straight up creating non threat-hazard zones. (nords not revolting to their favored realm..etc..etc.)

arrr.. the sea raiders do be a slaughtering sort.... but what man of his strength isnt just looking for the coin and the parcel at days end.... where all the while the common folk of vast intrigue need be aware the threat to be had for tampering with said harmony gained...

arrr... only notes I need... a firm grip with a firm mind.
Haha thank you for the further reply and insight into another player's direction.

Floris Mod Pack was my first and yes, I think it is excellent.  I've not yet tried Floris Workshop but shall make sure I do.

I also like Tocan's Calradia.  I gave him a lot of feedback whilst still in beta over on the Nexus forums and I intend to try it again once I'm done uniting all of Great Britain. :wink:

Yes, Brytenwalda.... ah, Brytenwalda.  Definitely the most challenging game I've played thus far (I only discovered Mount & Blade about a month and a half ago, though).  Since I'm British (though I live in Los Angeles) it appealed to me a great deal and whilst it has given some frustration (mostly that stupid Kings keep going to war with me when I'm trying to get to a peaceful state to actually enjoy more activity than constant battle), overall I'm thoroughly enjoying it.

If I didn't have my notes I believe the frustration level would most definitely outweigh the fun. :smile:

i shut down brytenwalda, cus i tried sword of pendor ( as it might actually be called, i dont know ) ... based on after character creation im pretty sure I did not understand one - fhuahing word- that was said.

so a mixture of land and dynamic frustration of pendor, to that change. i said go screw.

i always played default easy damage, just switched now to extreme damage....... so the normal play through has its new found experience for me in leaving dust in the wind.

was a 50 -200 knight roaving band, now i like to play the prospect of crossbow knight vaegir roughneck marksmen nord slayer...

put the hurt take the pain. grab the land .
That's the wonderful thing about this game, eh?  The various approaches and the extended life given by the many wonderful mods.

I'm just reading about the Floris Workshop (now called Silverstag) and it sounds absolutely amazing.  I'm sorely tempted to put my Brytenwalda campaign on hold. heh.

for me i came into this astonished by mount and blade 1. they came mount and blade 2. basically same. still same intrigue.. so 2006-2008 or what it may be... was marvelous.

continued to any mod that grabbed me to reinvest ( as i am always a game shifter or a game restarter) i played from diplomacy to floris to anno domini (europe 1257). the speicifc graphics or dynamics derived to function always threw me back to standard. and even floris was too much at times .... like a clutter bug.

but the workshop i just discovered today. it houses... extended native basis appreciably. I think i can see myself ruling caldria under this regime. haha

good game, my goal is to settle on one and conquer the realm before bannerlords.
if you are a fan of multiplayer action, i suggest native. siege game server - GK US Siege, really active really dynamic combat experience. can get a grasp of some good times out of the single player quality.

but i got to warn you the online experience, i think as it may seem, is a eh weak structure. server integrity tends to stray far from single player attack coordination. if you had played mount and blade 1 and noticed change into warbadnd. you will notice warband change singleplayer into multiplayer.

all and all alike. you get the realllll affective arrangement of native play with floris, but wellll articulated in silverstag.

highly reccomend it, for any variance you experienced in complete overhaul mods, grab a few archers here, grab a few lancers there grab a few infantry there...... live by lezalits word (IMHO) as i worship the man as my right hand man.

combat the armies in full affective coordination. your infantry to pull your archers to impale and your cavalry to decimate. earn your realm through standings to be defined, as you play your party... it doesnt happen over night, but men do die so.
Lol i see little discusion about mods here :grin:, so i just want to add that i do no like that mods (except anno domini 1257), all mods puts too many changes, so i just add some minimods to my native and enjoy the game in my way :grin: ( diplomacy rulez  :mrgreen: )
That's because it wasn't meant to be a discussion on mods.  As I stated in the first post, I was hoping this would give some feedback to the developers of the sequel so that they could incorporate more informational tools for us players. :razz:

Lord Michlo said:
That's because it wasn't meant to be a discussion on mods.  As I stated in the first post, I was hoping this would give some feedback to the developers of the sequel so that they could incorporate more informational tools for us players. :razz:


Yeah, but you used a mod as illustration, and a complicated mod, at that, with a lot of information the player needs to keep track of, which evidently has no way of being tracked in-game.  So it's not really surprising that the discussion veered onto mods.

In Native, you have to keep track of a lot of information, but a lot of it is tracked for you in your journal.  The problem, to my mind, is the format of the information.  For example, each lord's character page has information about themselves, their personality (if you've asked a relative about them), their relatives, holdings, etc., but it's all in narrative form.  Personally, I'd really prefer it in list format, a list which can be sorted by properties, personality, faction, or other variables.
Good points and I agree, list form would be the most helpful.

I only used a mod "as an example" because that is what my latest notes were from but as I pointed out, they are similar across all of my games, including native.

I know that some mods give us more of this information (Silverstag, formerly known as Floris Workshop being a prime example) but we don't yet know how much we'll be given in the eagerly awaited sequel.  I was hoping the developers might see this and incorporate as much information for us as possible.

In particular, I really hope we get our estate lists during NPC interactions given to us in some sort of order.

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