Conversation Leading to Battle Menu, Leave only option

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Here's a quirky thing that keeps happening.

I'm a rebel (native game) and I have a personal rival in the Swadian Faction... Devilian... I just want him dead.

Whenever I run into him, I attack him.  But I try to maintain a peace-time relationship with the Swadians (for the moment).  After running Devilian's face through the gravel, I go make peace with Swadia and all is well... when all goes according to plan, it's a 490d-1000d luxury that my I enjoy.

The rub is, that on occasion (getting pretty frequent actually)... I have the conversation with Devilian where I make my demands that he surrender or die... and the only option that I'm offered is "Leave", where "Charge with Troops", "Send in Troops", "Leave Troops to cover your Retreat", should be.

Usually it only happens once, a few times it happened twice in a row.  The result is basically a little more faction hate to buy off, but it's a strange buggy-like thing.

Am I the only one this happens to?  Is there some factor causing it that I can control?  Is it because I've made Devilian a pet project of mine, having taken him prisoner at least 20 times now?
In my experience, you can't actually attack a Lord until your relation with the faction (and/or possibly themselves personally) reaches a certain low point. I've run into this when sent on "kill caravans to start war" missions, where I have to threaten the caravans several times until my relationship is lowered sufficiently to attack.

Or this may just be a bug and I'm reading too much into it.
LBaeldeth said:
In my experience, you can't actually attack a Lord until your relation with the faction (and/or possibly themselves personally) reaches a certain low point. I've run into this when sent on "kill caravans to start war" missions, where I have to threaten the caravans several times until my relationship is lowered sufficiently to attack.

Or this may just be a bug and I'm reading too much into it.
Well my relationship with Devilian has been at about -100 since day 5 of the game. :smile:  But since I'm rogue, it seems like I can deliver my demands to any Lord I see in the field.

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