SP - General Conservation instinct

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Hello again,

a ) Lords are suckers for battle. They just love to throw 101 men at 100 thinking they have the advantage. The result is, oftentimes, a pyrrhic victory for one of the two parties, and a very fertile field for future generations.

b) On the same topic, the number of deaths is just too high. The villages and cities give and give and give and the lords keep coming back covered in blood asking for more.

Suggested change:
a) I think it'd be nice if this were tied in with a lord's valour value. Comparing one's advantage to the enemy, they should only decide to attack if they have Power1 > (1 + C2/(1+Valor) ) * Power2 of an army 1 against enemy's army 2, or some such (where Ci are some constants). At the same time, this would allow your valour to be updated in function of the enemies you engage.

This should factor into a cost formula, where, for example, having wasted days setting up siege should count as well (I'm looking at you, army leader, who left siege to chase some army (coincidentally, about the same size as ours, yay!)).

Maybe this already exists, but if it does, it's not very visible. Perhaps it has to do with auto resolve vs simulation (I tend to pick the latter) where auto resolve would indeed have brought less casualties.

b) It should cost some sort of local currency to recruit from a village (i.e. reputation), which would force some downtime onto the lords. I suggest killing a looter/bandit party in the vicinity of a village then refills this currency (as well as quests), under the logic that those bandits would have killed villagers. At the same time, this would also make the lords patrol their territories more, wage war less.
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