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My first post, I'm not the phantom of the forum anymore I guess. Maybe this has already been suggested, I haven't gone all the way back through the threads...

I'd like to see the ability to actually draft certain parties into yours, it'd probably be related to your rank with a certain faction, as well as your charisma and leadership maybe, but levying peasants, or commandeering scounting parties would be great. Under a feudal government, serfs were drafted to go to war pretty often, so it would a bit more authentic to me if a decently ranking member of a faction could conscript that factions' peasantry outright, without having to go into a tavern and start tossing gold around.

Maybe you could put in a bit of a random element where the peasants/refugees/whatever you're trying to enlist decide that they would rather not be conscripted at all, and instead would like your shiny armour and stuff to start their new lives as bandits, then you get to cut the traitors up into nice small portions (for the cannibals you were trying to conscript them to fight off of course)
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