Evod Lighttaker

Ask and you shall recieve.......

I ownz an old APPLE II computers
and its the ****.
But I cantz play wiht new technology crap!!high texture BS!!!

I demandz Modders think of the old school players and downgrade their level of modding to fit MY standards.

I also demand to bring back the following:
Creepy Crawlers
Leisure Suits
Disco Balls
Platform Shoes
Dorothy Hamil haircuts
and old 70's star war's action figures!!

I ownz an old APPLE II computers
But I cantz play wiht new technology crap!!high texture BS!!!
I demandz Modders think of the old school players and downgrade their level of modding to fit MY standards.
I also demand to bring back the following:
Creepy Crawlers
Leisure Suits
Disco Balls
Platform Shoes
Dorothy Hamil haircuts
and old 70's star war's action figures!!