Competitive Map Pack: CoMP

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Master Knight

What is this?
This is a collection of multiplayer maps for Mount&Blade Warband intended for use in a competitive setting (tournaments, scrims, pickups) in Battle mode (DM, TDM, Duel spawn points supported as well). This map pack is freely available (
, see licensing information below) and is made by the community for the community: maps have been designed and contributed by different developers and have been evaluated and refined in conjunction with the competitive community (so far, only North American). The list of map authors and acknowledgments has been moved to the GitHub project page.

This purpose of thread is, primarily, to gather feedback about the maps, new map ideas, coordinate play-tests and solicit external submissions to the pack. Detailed information about the maps as well as technical information on how to use them in your tournament or on your server, as well as maps themselves can be found on the project's page on GitHub.

This map pack started as a collection of open, plains-style multiplayer Battle maps (PiMP), inspired by this discussion regarding the alternatives to randomly generated maps in competitive battle matches. Some of the maps have been used for the Battle Innovation Tournament which featured new maps of other types. I was in charge of the BIT map pack and, after giving it some thought and consulting with the BIT map authors, decided to merge it with PiMP to create a map pack not limited to a particular map type. Due to lack of time, I have had to step down as the maintainer. MadocComadrin has graciously agreed to carry the banner for me. He's now the maintainer of CoMP and all the map submissions and feedback should go through him.

Contents of the map pack
The list of maps along with classification and screenshots is hosted at the CoMP wiki. Scroll down to see the screenshot, map descriptions and classification.

The map pack is under continuous development: we encourage new submissions and strive to refine the existing maps based on feedback from the community. To reflect this, in addition to the existing open-mixed-closed classification, all maps are rated as either Stable, Testing or Unstable (props if you know where the classification is coming from :razz:).
Stable maps are those that have been thoroughly tested and used in competitive settings with favorable reviews. Stable maps are generally recommended for tournament use with no restrictions. Testing is for maps have already went through both closed and open tests, but still haven't had enough eyeballs on them. It doesn't mean that Testing maps are not suitable for serious competitive use, though. Unstable is for maps under development or in need of revision. Not recommended for competitive use, but feedback and suggestions are appreciated.

Previews of the maps are hosted on CoMP_testing. More information is on the wiki on the GitHub page.

Information for mappers
Attention all mappers! We are currently seeking submissions to the map pack. If you want to submit a map, please, PM MadocComadrin or make a post in this thread. By submitting a map to the map pack you agree to the following terms:
  • You allow me or any other person authorized by me to release your maps as a part of a map pack to be distributed freely under the CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.
  • Your nickname (or real name, should you prefer) will be included in the list of authors of the map pack, unless you indicate otherwise.
  • For maps with multiple people working on them, everybody who has edited the map (I call them authors) should be credited upon submission. should explicitly agree on the terms and conditions of submission. You can, but are not required to, credit someone who has not edited the map, but has made a significant contribution to the map through discussions or otherwise. Additionally, the author team should explicitly designate a corresponding author who will be the only one who submits updates to the map and collects feedback from me.
  • The maps will be tested in multiple rounds (initial evaluation, closed test, open tests) and you agree to make changes based on the outcome of those tests.
  • You allow me to make changes to the maps to fix bugs, balance, visual and performance issues. More significant changes will be discussed with you.
  • A valid submission must contain an .sco file for the map, a valid entry, map's name and classification, and the names of all its authors as they should be listed in the map pack. Additionally, you should explicitly agree that your map will be subject to these terms, e.g. by quoting these terms and writing "I agree". For maps with multiple authors, every author should explicitly agree to the terms.
  • Only original work will be considered for the map pack. Maps made by someone else or modifications of thereof will not be accepted.

In addition, qualifying submissions must adhere to the following guidelines (some due to Captain Lust):
  • Maps should not be perfect upon first submission, but they will be perfect when released in the map pack. That means: no glitches (e.g. possibility to get stuck in or between props), no visual artefacts and only correct bounding boxes on trees (e.g. no arrows stuck on empty air near trees). We will work with you to correct any bugs.
  • Visual aesthetics are important, but playability, fairness and challenge are paramount.
  • Consider making maps interesting from tactical standpoint: for example, even if you make an open and cavalry-friendly map, consider archers/infantry and give them some cover and protection against horses. The more diverse you make it, the more interesting and challenging it is to play.
  • Have 3 Master of the Field flags that are in different parts of the map. Try to put them in places that can reasonably be deemed strategic points on the map. If it's in some back allay out of the way (I'm looking at you, Nord Town), it's going to be confusing.
  • For open maps borders should be indicated with ground paint; (120,120,120) is the recommended color and 1 is the recommended brush size.
  • Please, be careful with props that can obscure a player but have no bounding boxes (e.g., hay stacks, vineyards, wheat). People can hide in there gaining an unfair advantage: shooting without being identified, making it hard to read movements in melee, ambushes etc. Please, consider putting barriers or barrier boxes to prevent players from hiding in these props.
  • Try to include enough options for both teams, to ensure competitive play. Don't make linear maps.
  • Maps should not be perfectly balanced: most battle tournaments feature spawn/faction spawns that negate any map imbalances. And perfectly balanced and symmetrical maps are quite boring.
  • While the maps are supposed to be used in Battle mode and will only be tested in that mode, you need to include spawn points for (Team) Deathmatch and Duel modes as well. See this guide for information about spawn points:,89831.0.html .
  • Use only Native scene props. That should be clear but these maps must be Native compatible.
  • Try to make your map clearly open, mixed or closed. There are no clear guidelines to be found anywhere and the classifications tend to be major points for debate. In general, open maps tend to feature more open ground without many obstacles, which makes them very accessible to cavalry and give wide angles of fire to ranged troops. Closed maps, on the other hand, feature tighter quarters and more narrow angles for ranged troops (yet they still can include a few open spaces (cf. Nord Town). Mixed are somewhere in-between. Usually it is harder to distinguish mixed and open maps, than mixed and closed. The rule of thumb I use is as follows: typically, in Mixed maps it is possible to avoid cavalry by climbing inside/on top buildings (cf. Ruins) -- but there's usually no such option for Open maps, even if they have buildings.
  • Think about what ought to be possible on your maps. Test for "glitches" yourself and place "barriers" appropriately. Although, by the same token, don't just put invisible walls in places that look like they could or should be accessible. Try to plan for these things and create your map to limit issues like this.
  • Avoid a clear, direct line of vision between spawns. The only map, in the ENL, that has this is "Ruins". It's not the end of the world but it reveals information about opposition classes and allows for missiles to be directly exchanged.
  • Try not to include Flora as an essential feature. There are ways to remove it visually and it's best to avoid allowing cheaters, who would do such things, too much of an advantage. The same applies for piles of hay. Either avoid using them or place them lower, so that people can't "Hay Shark".
  • Don't bother with an AI mesh. Infact, it's better not to include one.
  • Don't use giant cliffs to signal the edge of your map. Be more inventive and create something that's believable. See Native maps for reference and how to handle the edge of maps

I have found, by trial and error, that some tree props are better that others in that their collision meshes generally correspond to their visual meshes. This, by no means, is a definitive or firm list -- please, use your own judgement and test the trees yourself. However, I'm putting it here in case it's useful for someone, and for my own reference. Note: asterisk (*) means any, e.g. pine_* means any model name starting with pine_.

"Good" trees:

"Bad" trees:

  • The life of a map starts with a post in this thread or a PM to MadocComadrin. You can submit screenshots and/or the entry and the .sco file. At that point we will pre-approve your map for inclusion in the pack.
  • Upon receiving a valid submission (see the guidelines above), we will look it over and test for glitches (both visual and "physical"). On that note, maps should be tested by the developer before submitting. The map doesn't have to be finished at this point: feel free to leave fine brushwork on the ground and decorations for later. In fact, we encourage all the mappers not to put any effort in aesthetics until the map has been thoroughly tested as tests might reveal problems requiring significant alterations of the maps. Our guidelines is to put in everything that might and will affect the gameplay, but not more than that. That includes props large enough to impede movement and block shots and any terrain morphing. But excludes small and decorative props as well as plants and ground texturing/coloring. However, if you are planning on putting any large rocks and/or trees, do put them now. After we are satisfied with the map it will be uploaded to the GitHub repository, listed as Unstable.
  • The next phase is closed testing, where the map is uploaded on the CoMP_testing server and tested with a few fellow mappers. The focus is on finding more glitches and glaring balance issues. If any problems are found, you will receive a detailed bug report and will be asked to address the issues. If the map passes, it's time for an open (or public) test.
  • In an open test, the map is played in a competitive or semi-competitive battle setting: typically in a clan scrim or pickup match, or a pickup partay. The players would then submit their opinions, we will evaluate the feedback and, if necessary, ask you to make changes based on the feedback. If possible, we will let you know when and where the tests are going to be done
  • If several public tests --typically two-- are successful and no serious issues are found, the map is moved to the Testing category where it might be used in scrims, tournaments and pickup parties. Should the feedback from those be favorable as well and after some time move it to the Stable category.
  • Note that it takes some time for the community to appreciate the map and develop strategies and deeper understanding. Sometimes serious flaws are found late in the workflow which require changes to the map, at which point the map could be moved back to Unstable.

Information for the competitive community
Maps are developed in a tight coordination with the community. We are seeking feedback on the current versions of the maps as well as ideas for new ones.

The tests are going to be of two types. One is a scrim test where two competitive teams or clans will play a standard match (using the rules of the current tournament) with the new maps. If you or your team/clan is interested in participating in the tests, please, PM me or post here. The other is a pickup party test, where a new map is going to be featured during a pickup party.

Both captains and individual players are encouraged to submit feedback regarding the maps they've played. Any feedback is appreciated, but please try to be specific. If you don't like a map, say what exactly you don't like. Screenshots are useful. Suggestions on how to fix are appreciated, but not required. It's the job of the map pack maintainer and the author to figure out how to fix problems with the map.

CoMP_testing will always have the latest versions of all the maps in the pack. We are looking to hold most, if not all tests on that server.

In general, you don't have to notify the maintainer or the author if you would like to test a map (however, we'd like to attend if we have time). Just head over to CoMP_testing (administrator passwords have been distributed to leaders of clans and competitive teams in NA; if you want the password, ask MadocComadrin). However, you are encouraged to check in with me or visit this page to find out which maps are ready for playtest and which server are they on and under which map slot.
Feel free to organize the test however you like, however we'd suggest you keep the atmosphere as competitive as possible since the maps are intended for competitive use: the teams should have experience playing together and communicating via voice chat and coordinating their actions.

Anything really, but some specific suggestions are:
  • For team leaders/callers: does the map play true to its classification (i.e. open, mixed or closed)? Does it lend itself to diverse tactical ideas? Is it challenging? Does it encourage bold moves?
  • Everyone: is the map fun and challenging to play? Have you encountered any glitches? Did anything break your expectations?  E.g. a horse was able to ride where you didn't think it could.

Downloads and deployment guide
The map pack and all the technical information regarding its use and deployment is hosted on GitHub and available under a Creative Commons license, CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 to be precise. The gist of the license is that you are allowed to use the maps freely on your servers, as well as include them in a module or redistribute them in any other way provided that:
  • You don't charge money for any work or service using the map pack, or part of thereof.
  • You provide information about the authors of the maps. This can be done in several ways: referring to the map pack by name (CoMP), linking to this thread or the GitHub repository, or specifying the name and the authors of each map you use. Tournaments using the map pack can specify the authorship information on their first page (linking to this thread is fine). Modules using this map pack can specify the information on their download page and/or their credits page, or a readme file included with the download. Servers using the pack can refer to it by name in the welcome message, or modify the to include the author's names or the name of the map pack after the map's name in parentheses. Alternatively, you can PM me and I'll add your server to the list of known users.
You are free to use only parts of the pack, you don't have to ask permission from me or any of the authors, provided that you comply with the license.

The easiest way to download all the maps with their entries is by following this link. The module_scene entries are listed in this file. Please, see this post, section "Adding to Multiplayer" for information on what to do with the contents of the file.
The CoMP module is the official module of CoMP. Note that at this point it's not stable enough for permanent deployments (i.e. maps and map slots change quickly).


CoMP_testing is the official testing server for the map pack and will always have the most up-to-date versions of all the maps. The server is available for matches, but scheduled map testing scrims and pickup parties have a priority over them. The server is not available for clan/team practices.

Server administrators: MadocComadrin (chief admin), KissMyAxe, Fehnor, Zaffa, DoF_William, Binary, Mad Dawg, Zero, GreenKnight, Vendigr, WilySly, Eternal, King John, Juvenile, Gelden, Cheese Pizza, John7 and RoBo_CoP.

Server hosted by KissMyAxe

Known users
CoMP_testing, USA_Event, USA_Balion_Battle, Unicorns_Oval_Office, wK_Cental, USA_Central_POM


See for author list and acknowledgements.
The Pizza said:
Good map, Kiss, just not one I'd pick to replace Plains.
I'm planning a wide variety of maps, including 3 that could have been generated by the game if it had a really good day (wide open horse-friendly plains, rolling hills and a river map). If you have any specific suggestions or ideas, I'd like to hear them.
I do want to make another few attempts at custom plains maps if I end up with enough time, but even pre-generating some random plains rolls to find suitable ones is definitely worth it. Just want to make sure you have enough of them that they aren't played often enough to become just like very plain regular maps.

ps. I found something interesting where someone had their module_scenes set up to pick a random pre-genned plains sco out of a set list every time the map came up. This way it would still be "random" but no more dumb cliff gens. But I can't find it anywhere on the forums :sad:
Vendigr said:
Just want to make sure you have enough of them that they aren't played often enough to become just like very plain regular maps.

If they get implemented into tournaments, this is the most important thing for me.
Thanks for the support so far. I'll let tournament organizers comment on the use of this map pack in tournaments.
Vendigr said:
even pre-generating some random plains rolls to find suitable ones is definitely worth it. Just want to make sure you have enough of them that they aren't played often enough to become just like very plain regular maps.
I agree, that's what I'm doing with some maps. I've decided to put trees manually, though, as pre-generated trees cannot be customized, which makes correcting broken bounding boxes impossible. One obstacle to having too many maps is deployment. Right now, the preferred deployment is as custom maps in the ENL mod (which runs on many battle servers), which only offers 20 slots, some of which are already occupied on some servers. But, we can have as many maps in the map pack as we want (as long as they are all of acceptable quality) and then have the tournament organizers worry about logistics :smile:
ps. I found something interesting where someone had their module_scenes set up to pick a random pre-genned plains sco out of a set list every time the map came up. This way it would still be "random" but no more dumb cliff gens. But I can't find it anywhere on the forums :sad:
That would be awesome. I have had that idea too, but I've never gotten around to investigating its feasibility. If you locate the solution, please, send me a link.
In the other thread it has been suggested that the edges of the maps should be made clearly visible. This might harm aesthetics/"realism" of maps, but I can see the benefit and I'm willing to make it a standard for all the maps in the pack if I receive enough support. Right now, I can think of three ways of showing the borders:
  • Paint the ground at the border a bright color, contrasting with the ground texture (say, red or yellow)
  • Plant a dense line of trees along the border
  • Make a high steep ground "wall" at the border
I'll try to make some screenshots with examples later tonight. In the mean time, if you can think of other ways of showing the map edge, please, post. I'll put up a poll tomorrow.
The map edge poll is up. Also, tonight's playtest is cancelled due to USA_Central_Event not being available and no alternative servers have been secured. I'm still looking to organize playtests. More maps coming over the weekend. Stay tuned for updates.
I have to ask the question: why does there have to be a standardized border representation? Why can't it vary per map as long as it's inherently obvious? 
MadocComadrin said:
I have to ask the question: why does there have to be a standardized border representation? Why can't it vary per map as long as it's inherently obvious?
Well, I guess, it feeds my inherent compulsion to standardize everything :smile:
On a more serious note, I think (but I don't know for sure) that some border representations are more obvious than others. That's why I've put the poll up to find out what is the most obvious one. It might also happen that most players would want the maps to be like in Random Plains, where the exact location of the border could be a surprise for you.  :roll:
And here are the benefits of standardization I could think of:
  • Makes evaluating maps easier
  • Makes it easier for players to recognize the border, as they would know exactly how it would look like
If you'd like to make a case for more freedom on border representation (including no border representation at all), you should feel free to present it.

On another note, since the poll results are not going to be know for a week, any new maps are free to have any border representation (including none at all), and I'll fix it afterwards.
Just a question about the dense tree-line:

How dense is it? Can archers use this without having to worry about cav? I would be against a safe house for archers.

One of the beauties of RPlains is that archers are deadly, yet vulnerable.

It's too bad the "Random Plains" in game really aren't plains most of the time...  they're usually akin to the rockies.
Gelden said:
Just a question about the dense tree-line:
How dense is it? Can archers use this without having to worry about cav? I would be against a safe house for archers.
The tree line is going to be behind or on the edge: the archers won't be able to hide behind them anyway, but the horses are going to be stopped at the edge whether there are trees there or not. "How dense?" Well, it's going to be a judgement call of the map maker. But the goal of all the methods of emphasizing the map edge is not to change the gameplay at the map edge, but still provide better information to the players (particularly, cavalry) about the exact location of the map edge.
So, last night I was thinking about some dude crying because he put a boatload of time into making a random map engine, and no one likes it.

Sooo.. the random map engine is great. I really hate how it is abused with rules in tournaments. I really like the random maps...

I hope he hasn't killed himself yet.  :cry:
Added two new maps (check the OP). Also, Suno Valley has been updated (redownload the .sco). The maps will be on Central_Event soon-ish. I'm resuming organizing playtests for the maps. If you, or your clan, would like to participate in the playtest, please, PM me.
The map border poll is closed. All the maps in the pack will now show the border using gray ground paint.
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