SP - Quests Company of Trouble nearly impossible now....

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I have a high charm MC and even with this character i cannot find someone for the mercenaries but this isn't only because of the low chance of success at diplomacy,
the 1.4 patch made some nobles "uninterested in drafting military troops" So only 1 in 6 nobles i find can even begin the persuasion attempt.
What's worse is that we can no longer talk to separate nobles inside army stacks, only the army stack commander. (just joined a faction in this campaign and learned it was an option only available to factions aparently)
So this severely limits how to finish this quest. Since it is much harder to find battle oriented nobles in castles or settlements that are interested in hiring mercenaries.
To the point that "nearly impossible" is an apt description.
Please solve this somehow, quest was properly balanced in 1.4
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In my experience pretty much ALL lords in the campaign map will be interested and almost none of the lords that are on a city or castle will.
I have yet to find a lord on the campaign map that is not interested.
I only have like 70 charm on a fairly new char and just did this quest with a 54% and 71% option and no fails. Not too hard just rng and luck with picking right choices first.
On topic "Company of trouble" - allow me to find out of their troubeling nature - catch them red-handed so to say(high morale and high stewardship skill improves the othervice very low base-chance). If so, put them under guard (that fetches events from another pool - for example "A guard found killed" - a high tier soldier in your party found dead, "Questioning the loyaly of guards"- 2% mid-tier members of your party defects to the company and leaves when they leave or "Company of deserters" - they leave, succeding the quest but ofc losing the gold.)
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