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I'm new to the boards - but have been playing for quite some time now - I'm wondering how far people have got with training of their companions?  So far I have Bunduk and Alayen up at lvl35 with Ymira, Kethi, Jeremus, Deshavi, Firentis all between lvl 32 and lvl34.  I also have Borcha, Marnid, Katrin who come and go and they are between lvl

It seems quite easy to get them experience when at war (defending sieges are great for this - especially if the attacking forces are greater than the defending.) but during peace time it's hard as finding parties of Bandits, Sea raiders takes time and gets a bit dull. 

How do you train your companions?
Whenever i have a castle/town i leave my army and take my companions out to find bandit parties.
My companions are decked out in lordly plate all over, balanced morningstars, war bows and arrows mounted on chargers.  I think they are around level 37 or so, in Native, and in peace I'll take just them (maybe a couple of knights too) and attack larger groups of sea raiders, forest and mountain bandit parties while I huddle in the corner not paying attention.  They are simple enough and don't cause any casualties, it lets them level up a lot quicker.  I usually take part in larger deserter battles, or against steppe bandits. 

Look at my signature, companions. ^^

As others have said, I tend to just attack bandits and go around with a companion 'army'.
Doing quests seems to be decent for leveling them up in the early portion of the game, but I don't suppose it'd be nearly as effective at level 30'ish.
How about this, you create an armor with a rating of 200 or so and then attack a city only with your companions :wink:

Yes, after some time it is difficult to increase them further, as a hero get most experience when he kills someone on the battlefield it's the only sure way I know. Giving them superior armor help them to survive so they can kill more.
I only have Lezalit the Engineer guy and alayen and they all have lordly armor but if the companions did not have the skills they get when the lvl i would not get them and just raise a few huscarls
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