In Progress Companions NOT returning to Player party or City

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Summary: Player companions DO NOT return to player
How to Reproduce:companions released / escaped from prison or recouped from battle DO NOT make their way back to Player City
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OS: Win10
GPU: Geforce 1080
GPU Driver Version:latest
CPU: Ryzen 5 3600
RAM: 32 G
Motherboard: X570 TUF
Storage Device (HDD/SSD): SSD

Player companions, when escaped / released from prison or recouping after battle, DO NOT return to Player's City or Party. Forcing player to go get them.As employees of player, it is their responsibility to return to their employer .

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Companions - kusr the Falcon, Tala the Swift and Nawa the Spicevendor, are waiting in cities far away, I pay them, they should be heading home. I'm at war , i cannot chase them all down.

To counter this, IF you track down a imprisoned companion and destroy the bandit army holding them, you get a "Congrats, you are free" window then ... the freed person vanishes !! ?? back to your main city. Why not just place the person in your army ?? like in WB . How STRANGE !! ?? the situation is reversed

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