If you're like me, you want to know which companions do not conflict with each other. This is a quote from Saxondragon that I dug up on this sub-forum. I don't know if they are all still the same on 2.0, if they are, it would be a worthy addition to the wiki.
EDIT: Here is also a link to the original suggested companions party, so you don't have to constantly check "clash with" or "likes". Just see the corresponding companion in native in the following thread and check their name on Prophesy of Pendor to make your team:
NPC Interaction guide (v 1.00 +)
saxondragon said:The companions:
Native Name PoP Nam Clash Clash Friend
Borsha Engrid Raveneye Janus Leslie
Marnid Leslie Kassir Sir Rayne Engrid
Ymiria Ansen Donavan Sardan Sir Rayne
Rolf Riva Maxine Raveneye Kassir
Beheshtur Kassir Leslie Horus Riva
Firenz Rollo Horus Sara Gydia
Deshavi Raveneye Engrid Riva Janus
Matheld Sardan Gydia Ansen Sara
Alayn Sir Rayne Sara Leslie Ansen
Bundik Maxine Riva Donavan Horus
Katrin Horus Rollo Kassir Maxine
Jeremus Gydia Sardan Cathan Rollo
Nizar Sara Sir Rayne Rollo Sardan
Lazalit Donavan Ansen Maxine Cathan
Artimenner Cathan Janus Gydia Donavan
Klethi Janus Cathan Engrid Raveneye
When I started out to revise the companions to match the world of Pendor, I was surprised on how difficult it was. It became immediately apparent why so many other mods leave the companions at native values. As have been mentioned, there were several companions that I only slightly modified from native.
On the same note I was also surprised at the elegance of this design. The response/orientations are based on personality traits that are often in conflict with the orientations of other characters.
EDIT: Here is also a link to the original suggested companions party, so you don't have to constantly check "clash with" or "likes". Just see the corresponding companion in native in the following thread and check their name on Prophesy of Pendor to make your team:
NPC Interaction guide (v 1.00 +)