Companions become lords - Items, banners

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What always bothered me when you assign fiefs to your companions is the banners that are assigned to them. As I have understood it so far, the first companion to be given a fief will always have the Nord faction banner (King Ragnar's banner) while the rest get Sarranid banners. I was wondering if anyone had figured out how to fix this.

Also, I see that they are assigned certain items upon becoming lords. I would like to remove that and make sure they use the items I have already given them.

Thanks in advance.
As for the banners, see the script I developed here: Randomize Companion Lord's Banners. If you don't want the randomization, you can see what you'll need to monkey with to set it as you choose.

Caba`drin said:
There are technically 140 banners defined in the Native scene_props file, which are assigned in the scripts file in the script game_start.

Banners 1-62 go to the Swadians, Vaegirs, and Nords, in that order.
Banners 63-84 go to the Khergits
Banners 85-104 go to the Rhodoks
Banners 105-125 go to the Sarranids
Banners 126-135 are actually duplicates of the first 10 Sarranid banners
Banners 136-141 are those that go to Kings/Kingdoms

When the player picks a banner, if they select a banner the same as another lord, that lord's banner is always replaced by the same red-white checked Swadian banner (Swadian banner 15).

Companions are always granted banners in the same, descending, order as governed by code in the dialogs file. The code is off by 1, so instead of starting with banner 135, just before the King's banners, they start with Ragnar's banner. Then, since 126-135 in Native just point to Sarranid banners, you will see your Companions be given scimitars, flowers, deserting things of that nature. And always in the same, predictable order. This format does ensure that no companions have the same banner, but it does little else.

As for their items, this is also in module_dialogs, like so:
			(troop_add_item, "$g_talk_troop", "itm_saddle_horse", 0),
			(troop_add_item, "$g_talk_troop", "itm_courser", 0),
			(troop_add_item, "$g_talk_troop", "itm_courtly_outfit",0),
			(troop_add_item, "$g_talk_troop", "itm_heraldic_mail_with_tabard",0),
			(troop_add_item, "$g_talk_troop", "itm_red_gambeson",0),
			(troop_add_item, "$g_talk_troop", "itm_sword_medieval_c",0),
			(troop_add_item, "$g_talk_troop", "itm_tab_shield_kite_cav_b",0),
			(troop_add_item, "$g_talk_troop", "itm_light_lance",0),
I actually didn't like the way Native handles banners. It should be made much simplier. Since there are enough banners for all kings and lords (including claimants), and each texture sheet contains 21 banners, here is how I assign banners:
- Each faction gets the 21 banners in rough order of the texture sheet from a to g (excluding f). 20 banners go to lords and one spare. If player pick an already assigned banner (check within range of a faction), the lord will get the 21st banner in the texture sheet.
- Texture sheet f is for claimants, player and companions. If you make all 16 companions vassal, then you will have to pick 2 from the spare faction banners. You should not get any duplicate (well there are a couple that look similar: purple lion on white).

Banners IDs are defined in several files. IDs are in order as listed. In stead of going all over the place while assigning banners, I rearrange the ID reference banner mesh/texture so that lords get the "proper" banner (by "proper" I mean some banners fit better for a certain faction).
Hey, this is to Caba`drin, or anyone else that might be able to help.

I am currently trying to mod a game for personal use, and I am in the process of making 8 companions. I want them all to use the same banner (one that I will be adding to the game). So could you tell me what code i would need to make NPC17-24 use the same banner (basically I am attempting to make them all the same order of knights.). I will probably put the new banner in the last banner spot. thanks!

Also that received items on becoming lord is useful. One question about that, what does the 0 modify in "itm_saddle_horse", 0? is it the modifier on the equipment, like Lordly, or masterwork? and is + or - better here?
Why doesn't someone just make a banner pack just for the companion lords? Like its not randomly chosen, its one that's always theirs... After all if the kings and claimants always have their own unique banner why not give the companions their own unique ones that's displayed when they become lords?

Added a bit latter: Also along with that make a set of banners that are always for player only use... its sorta silly that when a player becomes a lord before AI lords get kicked out of calraida that they should double up on banners...

Added a bit more latter: If only I could photo-shop or mod. :idea:
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