Companions as Lords

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So I am starting a new campaign and plan on only using companions as Lords and have a few concerns.

1) Do they need any 'leader' type skills such as Prisoner Management or Training?

2) What sort of renown should I aim for so they field a decent army?
    a. What is the best way to raise their renown?

3) Do they keep the armor/weapons forever that they become Lords with at the time?

Thanks for any help and clarity on the issue.
1) the higher leadership they have the more soldiers they can take with them. High lvl helps as well since the higher their level the more renown they start with. I dont think they need prisoner management and about training i'm not sure. at all. i think that depends on campaign difficulty

2) The only way to increase their renown is by lvling them while in your party. Once lord they can increase their renown by throwing parties and winning tournaments. I advice you dont make them lord until at least lvl 20. The higher the better

3) They keep the armor and weapons they have equiped when you make them lord. Tough if you give them sucky things they might replace it with some items they get when they become a lord. Example: Lezalit suddenly get a spear instead of the heavy morningstar I gave him before I made him lord.

Hope I was of any help ^^
1) When I'm planning on making a companion a lord, I'm not sure if prisoner management or training are important, but I give it to them. I know leadership is important, and they have to be higher levels to be worthwhile as well. You should only make the noble companions lords, the commoner ones piss off the other lords. One time I made Artimmer (sp?) a lord first, I thought if I didn't have any other lords yet then it wouldn't really matter. But lords from all the way around the world would lose relation and give some sort of snide comment the first time I talked to them.

2) The more the better, until you really need them as a lord and can't really wait anymore. Honestly I use a cheat for this, I don't make my companions into lords, I pick up the noble ones I don't use in my party, ctrl-x quick level them up to my level, and choose their skills in a way that seems best for lords, buy them some stuff and give them a fief.

3) Sometimes they keep it, sometimes they'll change it. Body armor seems like the thing they're most likely to change, so don't invest too much in that, they tend to get themselves heraldic mail in my games.

edit: manekamaan posted while I was typing and said pretty much what I'm saying, I hate when that happens.
Hmm, thanks for the responses.

So leadership is a plus, gotcha. As for other skills nobody really know though?

I went with the 'peasant' companions and do not have a single noble,  :lol:. I was planning on RPing it up, thus I only wanted to promote my companions to Lords as a peasant uprising, if you will. Who do you all think makes the best Lord from the peasants? I was thinking Marnid/Nizar first. Perhaps Klethi.

PS: I have Diplomacy mod on so not worried about ruining reps with other lords as much.

I'd like to know what a good starting leadership is. I have several companions who are lvl 30 with abt 3 leadership and know it has a big effect on the number of troops they have in their warbands. I beleive prisoner management has a part to play but lords stats are derived from renown more than anything.
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