Resolved Companions are auto assigned random perks ... even if not implemented. And there's no respec option.

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No, I didn't use any mods.
Summary: Companions are auto-assigned perk points that the player doesn't want, meaning recruiting experienced companions is often a big downside. It's especially awful when it chooses the option which isn't implemented in game yet. And even worse, there's no way to respec them.
How to Reproduce: Recruit a companion
Have you used cheats and if so which: No
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Computer Specs: Irrelevant

Requested fix: Leave points unassigned. So if they have 80 stewardship, leave the 4 skills not chosen.
This already exists in game as the player's brother is setup like this, meaning you can customise him as you like.
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To add: There is an option for this when starting the game, to auto-assign companion perk points. I have this turned OFF and this still happens. It should only happen if that option is turned ON.

It's not enabled. It was turned off.

To be clear this is companions you recruit and are level 10 or something. They have all their perks chosen already and much worse, they often have skills at high levels but not enough focus points to increase them, so they're stuck at that level.
To be clear this is companions you recruit and are level 10 or something. They have all their perks chosen already and much worse, they often have skills at high levels but not enough focus points to increase them, so they're stuck at that level.
I was testing companions today in beta e1.7.1 for related thread to this one. I was hiring and dismissing from my clan a lot of companions and they had starting character levels between 10 and 19, so it is even worse.

Are you still experiencing this issue at the latest version of the game?
I don't how it works for OP, but in my personal experience this option works as intended for companions from my clan, and it doesn't do anything for companions outside of my clan - they always auto-allocate their points and perks no matter whether I enable or disable this option. Tested in the newest beta e1.7.1.

So it might work as intended, but if so, then companions need some rework - more focus/attribute points or/and more customisation of points/perks.
Still auto leveling companions with the option turned off. Just got my brother and he had every point spent and the companions I picked up at taverns auto level as well. I am on PS4. Please fix this!
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