Companion skills

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Your companions don't gain experience with a weapon do they? Like, if they use a polearm, their polearm skill will not increase through use like the players skill will.

I've noticed that while my companions are getting to be higher level, their weapon skills stink because they only gain the 10 points at level up, no points through use. Maybe give them a few extra points at level up or just boost their skills by a bit.
Yeah I noticed that too. perhaps this is something that should be implemented to keep your party members up to par with you and what you are fighting.
armagan said:
Their weapon proficiency increases just like the players. But of course not as fast since they do not fight as aggresively.

Heh, that... and the fact that they tend to get knocked out by the first enemy they come across.
I've noticed enemies NEVER run out of ammo, which is rediculous considering the strict ammo settings for us. I think its the same with NPCs in my party, they never run out of ammo :sad:
dhvyse said:
I've noticed enemies NEVER run out of ammo, which is rediculous considering the strict ammo settings for us. I think its the same with NPCs in my party, they never run out of ammo :sad:

I've had enemies run out of ammo. Or maybe they just got tired of shooting at me and charged...? But I played around with a couple of archers... Standing on a cliff and taunting them to shoot, then backing away. They finally switched to melee weapons and came after me.

On the companions -- I gave them decent weapons and armor and they kick ass now... But I don't have the option to increase their weapon skills when they level up. No little plus buttons there. Am I missing something?
Increase the 'Weaponmaster' skill. You have to do this for yourself as well.

Just bought a Charger for Marnid, he's got all the same equipment as me now :eek:
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