Companion Skills: Inventory Management

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Maybe I'm missing something here but I thought the companion with the highest skill in your party with regards to a specific area would determine your overall partys skill in said area.  So for example I had Ymira with an inventory management skill of 7 which was by far and away the highest out of all my companions.  So her skill level of 7 would determine my inventory size right?  But instead it added nothing and only when I added points to my own characters Inventory Management did I get additional inventory slots.  Whats the deal?  Confused. 
You must mean Katrin, not Ymira.

Yeah, inventory management on companions is utterly useless as far as I know.
In any case, it's probably better that way. If Katrin was KO'd and you lost her extra slots, all items in those slots would've been discarded.
Ja Katrin not Ymira.
Wtf thats a bit arb.  I'm gun kick that baish to the curb.  Shes friggin  useless at everything else.
Inventory management is a leader skill. So it's utterly useless on companions you want to keep for your campaign, only "party skills" apply to the whole party. If you made her a vassal the inventory skill 'd apply to her party only.

edit: typo
If you hover the mouse over the different skills it will say top right in the description whether it is a leader, party or personal skill.
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