Companion Information

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Knight at Arms
I just ran across this mod yesterday or so, and I'm having a good (but, not going to lie, difficult) time with it.  Between being poorer than dirt and unable to afford decent weapons/armor on the one hand and running like mad from just about every NPC party that enters my line of vision, I've grown curious of my companion options.  Is there anywhere, be it thread, Wiki site, or even game file, that has information on all of the NPC companions?  I can tell that some of them are based, at least in terms of conversation and temperament, on Native counterparts (like Rollo / Firentis), but some of them I don't recognize (if Maxine has a Native counterpart, I don't know who it is, but then again I mostly avoided certain Native companions like Klethi and Baheshtur anyway).

Mostly I'm wondering what their skill levels are and who they do and don't get along with.  Is there anything like Native's NPC Interaction Guide that might help me do a bit of planning ahead when it comes to assembling my party of exorbitantly expensive henchmen?


P.S.  How does one make money in the early game?  Trading seems ineffective at best (I haven't been able to find any good routes, and given the strength of NPC parties the one thing I don't want is to be slow enough for them to catch me), but aside from the rather hit-or-miss tournaments I don't know how else to get a little spending money early on.
Find the two chests, it will give you a decent start. I am not going to spoil it for you, but i ll just give you a hint, There is one in a Fredivestan and Ravenstein city.
FieldMarshal said:
Find the two chests, it will give you a decent start. I am not going to spoil it for you, but i ll just give you a hint, There is one in a Fredivestan and Ravenstein city.
Fierdsvain and Ravenstern.
I've found the two chests (it took me a while, but it happened), and while the equipment is nice to have and the trade goods provide me with a small short-term boost to finances, the fact that they're just one-time gains tends to limit their viability as far as "having a sustainable early game" goes.  I think with the combined trade goods of the two chests you can probably hire four or five companions, as long as you don't buy them any new equipment.  In any case, once you have the chests, you have the chests, and that's the end of that.  It doesn't really go a long way towards properly outfitting your new companions or towards paying their wages once you have them.  What I'm in need of is a sustainable source of income and character/party growth.

I'm also really not a big fan of most of the chest equipment (I confess I'm usually way more interested in having my character look cool than I am in having him have the highest possible statistical benefits).  The dark knight helm is ugly (not due to poor modeling, but because it's just an ugly type of helmet), the runed bastard sword has a glitch in its "draw" animation, and the "hur hur samurai" stuff is just lame (not statistically, but I don't like just throwing in Samurai or Ninja crap into a game where they don't belong just because of the ridiculously over-romanticized attitude towards them).  Nevertheless, they keep me from one-hit-dying in the early game, but, again, there is the problem of long-term utility.

And let's not forget the original problem of figuring out who to recruit into my party.


(Edit:  So far I have determined the "Native Identities" of:  Donovan (Lezalit), Riva (Baheshtur), Maxine (Bunduk -- just found this out about a minute ago), Rollo (Firentis), Cathan (Artimenner), and Gydia (Jeremus).  Whee.)
The companions in 1.21 are all rewrites of native. If you go here I've got a string replaced copy of the strategywiki companion tables that should give you a good handle on it. Note that I'm not positive that the stats are all the same. I know the equipment is changed from native in some cases. At the very least Gydia is still a healer, etc.

Note also that in 2.0 the companions are not merely re-skinned natives. :smile:

As for getting started, my favorite tactic has always been to buy the best jousting lance I can get my hands on, throw some early points into prisoner management and become a slave trader. The highlight is the occasional success at recruiting elite troops that you've captured.
Wow, Delve, that "transition chart" was exactly the sort of thing I was after.  Now I won't have to worry about wasting valuable money on companions who hate each other.  And as an added bonus, Sir Rayne's parallel with Alayan means I can even use my "Native Party" (which in this case would be, I think, Sir Rayne, Rollo, Leslie, Engrid, Horus, Gydia, Mazine, and Ansen; although if I ever figure out everyone's skill foci I might have to work on assembling a new party combination).  Thanks for that!

I used Rollo, Maxine (Deshavi?), Engrid (Ymira?), Leslie (Katrin) and Gydia the Red (healer) and they got along very well. I tried Raveneye, Sir Rayne, Riva and Sara the Fox who hated at least one of those so they didn't stay in my party, and the ones I kept worked excellently for my game.
I apologize this information is not on the wiki yet. I'll endeavor to get it fully up asap.
Thanks for that page Delve, it'll help a lot.
No problem. I hadn't mentioned it to you since the companions have changed in 2.0 and I haven't been able to confirm that data in the beta yet.
Well, I don't know how long it will be until the release of 2.0, but if anyone can confirm it'll be a while, I was thinking about gathering all the information about the companions' stats upon recruitment.  What their abilities, skills, and proficiencies are, how much they cost, and what equipment they have.  I've already put together Sir Rayne, Leslie, Maxine, Gydia the Red, Horus, and Engrid.  If it would actually be relevant long enough to be helpful to people, I can see about getting them up on the Wiki, but if 2.0 will be out soon enough to make that obsolete then there probably isn't much point.

delve said:
No problem. I hadn't mentioned it to you since the companions have changed in 2.0 and I haven't been able to confirm that data in the beta yet.

We deliberately broke the mold in 2.0 for the 20 companions.  There are some companions you can trace back to native and say "ah.. yes.. this is suppose to be Klethi".. but the skills are different, the likes are different.. not quite the same..

In addition, some of the companions now have special abilities....a good thing, but you have to discover what they are.

Timeframe: When 2.0 is posted it will replace 1.21 and that version will no longer be offered. Timeframe.. looks to be measured in weeks..



saxondragon said:
Timeframe: When 2.0 is posted it will replace 1.21 and that version will no longer be offered. Timeframe.. looks to be measured in weeks..

Well, in that case it probably wouldn't do anybody much good to have the companion stats for 1.21 out there, so I'll hold off on that.

Although I have to say, while I was poking around the wiki I noticed something about people overwhelmingly rejecting the addition to gunpowder weapons to the mod, and it made me a bit disappointed.  :sad:  I mean, I can understand it (how much sense does "Hey, let's put something in the game that could potentially kill me in one shot!" make?), but I did enjoy at least having that option in a mod like The Eagle And The Radiant Cross.

Oh well, too bad for me.  :wink:

Landwalker said:
saxondragon said:
Timeframe: When 2.0 is posted it will replace 1.21 and that version will no longer be offered. Timeframe.. looks to be measured in weeks..

Well, in that case it probably wouldn't do anybody much good to have the companion stats for 1.21 out there, so I'll hold off on that.

Although I have to say, while I was poking around the wiki I noticed something about people overwhelmingly rejecting the addition to gunpowder weapons to the mod, and it made me a bit disappointed.  :sad:  I mean, I can understand it (how much sense does "Hey, let's put something in the game that could potentially kill me in one shot!" make?), but I did enjoy at least having that option in a mod like The Eagle And The Radiant Cross.

Oh well, too bad for me.  :wink:

It was decided that gunpowder really didn't fit in with the lore of Pendor. And hey, I'm glad it's not here. You need skill to hit somebody at 500 meters using only a bow :razz:
littlemikey said:
It was decided that gunpowder really didn't fit in with the lore of Pendor. And hey, I'm glad it's not here. You need skill to hit somebody at 500 meters using only a bow :razz:

Exactly.  And I have no skill whatsoever. :razz:

Rane, Javiksholm or Windholm. Basically, Trading Goods, Starting Equipment and a nice 2h strange sword doing a 50p swing and a decent bastard sword

and hey, you clicked it!
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