Companion Auto-Equip Suggestion

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Shrugging Khan

Sergeant Knight at Arms
I've always had a bit of a problem with the absence of one certain option in the companion equipment screen.
In brief words, it's about upgrading equipment without changing the type.

For example, giving a companion a tattered red shirt, you can either tell them to keep upgrading - which will lead to them putting on just about anything else, or to keep it exactly as it is. Same for weapons, there's either straight automatic upgrading to any weapon of the same proficiency type, or just keeping the exact item the NPC is carrying at the moment.

What I'd really love is an option to upgrade the item without switching it for another entirely. So that the mention tattered red shirt will be exchanged for a thick red shirt, but never for a suit of plate armour. Or that someone will upgrade his bent bodkin arrows to balanced ones, but not use khergit arrows in their stead.

So, basically: Upgrading only the modifiers, not the item itself, when higher-grade-modified items are available in the item pool.

Possible, doable, feasible, or never gonna happen?
It's feasible, but I'd have to save the information inside extra slots - and there isn't any room in the current presentation to put them in. I could consider a checkbox that said "upgrade only modifiers", but making it for each slot would be too much work. As a side note, lords already upgrade in this way - enable debug messages to see.
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