companion arguing

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hi, i've been trying to disable the npc interactions, and i found the code for it, and have changed all the ones i can find to "1" which i assume is "on".  yet i still have them arguing after a battle in the game.  i have checked in the following documents: scripts, dialogue, triggers, simple triggers, and i think that's it.  i cannot figure out why it's not working and am thinking i may have overlooked something.  i'm hoping that i just missed one in another doc and that someone can point it out to me.  If necessary i can upload the files for examination.

thanks to any help anyone can provide.
In module scripts look for these two lines.
#NPC companion changes begin
      (call_script, "script_initialize_npcs"),
      (assign, "$disable_npc_complaints", 1),
#NPC companion changes end
the original script will assign $disable_npc_complaints to 0
if you set it to 1 they won't argue with each other.  You don't have to change anything other than that.
okay, i have that set to 1, now do i have to go and find all the other ones i've changed and put them back to "0" in order for it to work or will it work as long as that line is set to 1?
If I were you, I'd change back all the other ones.

In addition, disabling complaints doesn't completely disable their likes/dislikes of your actions, and they will still desert you potentially.
Look at the lines in red that I added to the code. This is in module_simple_triggers.
#Resolve one issue each hour
### Here do NPC that is quitting
# HC - Skip this
(eq, "$disable_npc_complaints", 0),

            (gt, "$npc_is_quitting", 0),
                (main_party_has_troop, "$npc_is_quitting"),
                (neq, "$g_player_is_captive", 1),

                (start_map_conversation, "$npc_is_quitting"),
                (assign, "$npc_is_quitting", 0),

alright, i changed the following 0 to 1:
# HC - Skip this
        (eq, "$disable_npc_complaints", 0),

and i changed the other disable_npc_complaints back to 0 other than the first one, and it appears to have worked, i fought 2 battles with both jeremus and artiminner in my party and didn't get any fight, i'll have to test it further but it seems to have worked.

i appreciate everyone's help in this.
Thanks guys.
This helped alot.

I've looked for this tweak for about 4 months now but I could only find it for the txt files.

I don't want to hijack this thread but I have a question related to this.

The option to refuse a companion to leave.
Does anyone know how to enable it via the module system?
I found it in module dialogues.  Look for this line here
[anyone|plyr, "companion_quitting_response", [
            (eq, 1, 0),
            (eq, "$player_can_refuse_npc_quitting", 1),
      ], "We hang deserters in this company.", "companion_quitting_no", [
from the looks of it just change the (eq,1,0), to (eq,0,0) and you will be able to refuse your companions request to leave.
You might want to tab out the  (eq, "$player_can_refuse_npc_quitting", 1), as well so you can always refuse them.
Thanks for your post I never noticed the (eq,1,0) in the dialogue before now.  EDIT
It would appear that whenever anyone tries to quit the "$player_can_refuse_npc_quitting" is already assigned to 1.  So the eq thing(basically an on\off switch)should be the only change you need.
NaglFaar said:
The option to refuse a companion to leave.
Does anyone know how to enable it via the module system?

Just add in the line I posted in red, above. That stops the whole check, and you don't have to mess with dialog.
Since this page is about companions, can anybody tell me how to create one, I need that for my personal home mod, and besides that many of guides wich has explained how to do it does not wxplains how to create one which will actually join the team, so can yo peple tell me?
Dont post in old threads! but since you already have...
Maybe it would be better for you just to change an existing one?
if so: just go into module_troops and scroll down to the companions and change one of them eg

  ["npc1","Borcha","Borcha",tf_hero|tf_unmoveable_in_party_window, 0, reserved, fac_commoners,[itm_khergit_armor,itm_nomad_boots,itm_knife],
  knows_ironflesh_1|knows_power_strike_1|knows_pathfinding_3|knows_athletics_2|knows_tracking_1|knows_riding_2, #skills 2/3 player at that level

Red is companions name,
blue = equipment,
green = attributes and
yellow = skills

hope this helps

p.s. companion will show up in game but will have the same dialogue as 'borcha'.
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