Community questions for Dev-Blogs

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Let's not try to ask for a certain standard or have any expectations regarding the questions content. This will only scare people and will reduce diversity.
Good questions come when the brain is relaxed :wink:
How did TW program good ai [compared to warband]for bots while not too heavily detracting from performance? What were some limitations encountered?
Will different factions have different ideals regarding regime sucession?
I.e. the Vikings would embrace a new Earl if the previous Earl lost in a trial by combat challenge. Whereas the Arabs had typically ruled from a monarchy where power only tranimsitioned by relation.
Oh yeah to add on questions about life working at TW, does the company provide meals/snacks? If so what kind, and if not, what do you eat?
I was such a naive player for so long.... just found out the amount of cheaters and cheating ways on Warband MP.
So what anti-cheating measures did you take to avoid cheaters in Bannerlord MP.
I'm wondering how to climbing of the ranks will be for joining in a lords army. I heard somewhere that the lords will give you some men to command in their army, so it would be interesting how that would work out.
cifre said:
I was such a naive player for so long.... just found out the amount of cheaters and cheating ways on Warband MP.
So what anti-cheating measures did you take to avoid cheaters in Bannerlord MP.

Been watching my vids?

This question will be very intresting because it will either make me laugh or sweat very hard.
Will objects like cups and chairs in taverns or other small things like that be movable/interactable or will they be static like in the previous games?

Flipping tables and starting a fight would be fun  :lol:
Balexander said:
you can sit on Chairs in Bannerlord, this was shown in a Gamescom Video

Yes, but I meant more if you could knock them around or something, I guess it applies more to glasses and bottles. I used a bad example I guess :smile:

But I'm mostly curious about if in the new engine scenery objects have physics, so tavern decorations, dropped items, etc.
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