Aha, I found them lol. Under TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem there is a DefaultPolicies as well as DefaultClanPoliticsModel with some of the policy effects. So for example, if I wanted to add a new policy, I would add a new public static PolicyObject for myPolicy, override RegisterAll() to include myPolicy and register the object, then override the InitializeAll() to add myPolicy to the Policies list, correct? Or in this case, should I not be overriding and simply extend it? Not sure if the way the policies work if it only handles registering/initializing on a new campaign start.
I apologize if this is cluttering this thread, let me know if I need to post this somewhere else. Not sure where else we can ask modding questions as the documentation is very basic right now.
I apologize if this is cluttering this thread, let me know if I need to post this somewhere else. Not sure where else we can ask modding questions as the documentation is very basic right now.