Thanks for the reply
@Duh_TaleWorlds I wanted to write something in response. I generally have stayed out of these topics before but I will try to give this one a go.
For this post I will be focusing on only the points where I feel I may be able to add something to the conversation:
Giving ally lords orders:
I don't think this will come. I remember the discussion with @mexxico - while the idea was explored, there were too many challenges with AI and the focus went to making the base army and party AI better.
I think this feature is quite important. It allows the player to have some measure of control over the allied lords to assist in a proper push on a front. Say you strike a town and at the same time another lord with an army strikes the castle close next to it. This could be easily achieved by a dialogue option. This was one of my most used features in Warband, and one of the only ways to "work together" with your AI allies.
This gives the player many ways to approach a war and capitilise on an area that is lightly defended after winning a large scale field battle.
Important that
control/options for strategies for the player is not overlooked.
Nonetheless, they certainly seem worth discussing to me since they can add life to the world.
These add life to the world, also create another type of enemy party for the player (adds variety to the worldmap). Manhunters specifically can help to
clean up the mess of the 100s of bandit parties we see gathering on the maps in various threads on these forums.
When the player is facing endless war they do not have the luxury to spend time clearing these out and it can help to combat this problem.
It would also allow another troop tree for the game, along with sword sisters as you mentioned above. (Again more content and options are good).
Capital city:
Just designating a capitol would yield little gameplay value, so this is a bit of an empty suggestion.
Yes little gameplay value. However this would open up many options to additional features.
Feasts whilst you mention you don't consider them important, are one example (during peacetime).
Weddings to be held in the capital (during peacetime). And for me the best reason I can think of is that if you had feasts you would also have
one HUGE Tournament filled with all the allied lords in one place at one time.
Those tournaments were the most memorable. When else do you have so many lords in one place at one time to experience that?
Also would open up a place for
other factions claimant to appear in the throne room with your faction leader. (A place for the player to start this quest).
So this area of focus
would not be empty if you would be open to providing feasts and/or claimants to give them a gameplay function.
Selecting nearby troops with a hotkey:
I don't think anything like this will be offered as it sounds like it would clash with the way formations work. Of course, if you have a formation following you, then they would presumably be selectable and around you.
This one gives me another reason to believe the unit control options are designed in mind without players wanting to take much manual control of the battlefield or sieges? (Really confuses me as not everyone lets the AI do all the thinking).
The reason this is important in my eyes is that it gives you
flexibility. You might see a gap forming that you could quickly push through but requires nearby troops to help it. Or maybe you want to push up a staircase to flank a group. Or defend the top of a ladder after climbing so that individual troops are protected when they reach the top and then they can gather around you.
But you do not wish the entire infantry formation to abandon the 3 sides they attack to achieve these small skirmishes.
It's really important that the player has freedom in battle to adapt and react how they wish.
Currently I feel like everything is left up to the AI to do all the controlling (especially in sieges). Why can the player not quickly on the spot decide to take all the surrounding troops through an opening? Currently there are not many options that help with this that can be achieved quickly.
Speed is important and having one hotkey like 0 which selects surrounding troops will
give the player the option to capitilise on new situations.
Again I really hope this is not overlooked. Not everyone hits charge and that's it you know.
Banners are pending another feature, but they will come.
I am really excited for banners. Thank you for this bit of info!
Hopefully some of this helps add to the discussion a bit... You will probably notice a theme throughout the post.
But I can't help but shake this notion that the approach to unit control in this game is all focused around letting the AI do all the controlling and that if the player has too much control over them it will "mess up the way AI works".
I really hope my impression on this is wrong.
But it feels like anytime the players request more control, it gets shot down citing
"don't worry the AI will do this for you".
This reminds me of the complaint threads that were discussing the changes made to condense the controls into less hotkeys on the keyboard recently. And many players trying to point out that many of those changes
reduced our ability to react or control our units in the heat of battle.
Many cases where it actually made the player need to press
many more keys to achieve the simple commands like facing in a direction with one button press (where now the toggle feature gets in the way of this).
I can only speak for myself here. But manually controlling either portions of troops as and when I need them, or quickly ordering my troops to react to a new threat is
very important to my play experience. The less control I have the worse experience I have.
Anyway thank you for your time in your reply. I hope some of this helps. Just wanted to voice some concerns I had when reading your post. I realise I may not be the best person for the job but I made an honest attempt.