SP - Economy Commission Weapons

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While I love the play aspect of being able to craft your own desired weapon, there is a feature I would love to see and which I think would add an element of realism to the feature:

I have no doubt that everyone has played with creating their ideal weapon of choice and if like me you end up with some 'Conan' style gaze on in fear weapon, only to look at the crafting difficulty and weep. I'm all for skill progression but not everyone wants to grind through smelting and forging for years in order to get the skill high enough to make their wonder weapon.

What if once designed there was an option to tick that said 'Commission Weapon'. This would give the task of forging said weapon to the smith in charge of the smithy.
Selecting the 'Commission Weapon' option would activate an algorithm to determine both the cost and forge time, an example would be:

Where weapon type = W (one handed sword/axe = 2, pike/javelin = 3, two handed sword/axe = 4)
Total material cost (sourced locally) = M
Forging difficulty = F

The algorithm would be: W x M x (F/10) = Cost of the Commissioned Weapon

The duration of time before the weapon is made would be based on type (W), difficulty (F) and renown (R) - (as the more important you are the less you wait).

W x F - (R/10) = Hours until the commission is complete and ready to collect.

This would mean that even if you were pants at smiting you could still get your ideal weapon if you had the coin to cough up for it.
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