Commanding an army

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Lo everyone

Just a quick question - is there anyway to stop fellow generals running off when you're on a campaign, every time they see a caravan/ enemy army/ looters etc?

To give you a context, this keeps happening with me after I have called a campaign against King Yaroglek, during a civil war in the Vaegir faction. A bunch of smaller (ally) armies follow me (after I tell them to), but the odd one or two peel off to chase people across the map. Obv this is a pain when you're trying to direct your efforts somewhere specific... has anyone else experienced this?

Game is version 1.011, vanilla, if that's of any consequence

I'm sorry, but there is no way in native to fix that problem.

I think some mods (like Sword of Damocles) use an enhanced order system but if I remember correct this does not hinders them from running of, it just allows you to give them orders without talking to them directly.
You might want to look at  "The Apprentice Guild - Start Here" part of the forum.

The allies do get distracted all the time and run off on you when you need them most.
As far as I now there is nothing to be done about it, it's the nature of the AI to attack enemies that get to close (even if they are lame...)
thanks very much, I'll keep an eye on the mods coming out in the future

I had a quick search for this topic in Apprentice forum too, but couldn't find anything
If the lords following you have fast parties, they will eventually get the caravans they are after and fight them for hours.

If they are slower than their target, they will eventually quit the chase and get back to you.

So, choose only lords with big parties (the ones that are the slowest) to follow you. That way you'll be alone for a shorter period of time.
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