Commander menu in Multiplayer.

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Sergeant at Arms
How would that be made possible? I want to open up Commander Menu by pressing backspace, just like in SP.
Not sure if it will work or not, but if you want to start with .txt editing, the directions would be similar to what is below:

Caba`drin said:
0) Make a backup of mission_templates.txt (found in your Warband\Modules\Native\ folder)
1) Open mission_templates.txt
2) Search for "quick_battle" to find the correct missions
3) For quick_battle_battle (field battles, beginning around line 116:cool:, scroll down past a series of numbers to the first number that is on a line by itself--in Native, this number is 10 (around line 1203).
4) Change 10 to 12 (add two to the number)
5) Scroll down further, past a few more lines of numbers (beginning with -21.0000 etc). Find the first blank line.
6) Paste in the following code on the next two lines:
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000  0  3 73 1 22 2147484551 1 1513209474796486693 900 1 1513209474796486693 
0.100000 0.000000 0.000000  0  2 903 1 1513209474796486693 1 1 936748722493063537
7) For siege battles (quick_battle_siege), find the first solo number--in Native, 19 (around line 1270)
8 ) Change 19 to 21 (add 2)
9)  Scroll down further, past a few more lines of numbers (beginning with -19.0000 etc). Find the first blank line.
10) Paste in the following code on the next two lines:
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000  0  3 73 1 22 2147484551 1 1513209474796486693 900 1 1513209474796486693 
0.100000 0.000000 0.000000  0  2 903 1 1513209474796486693 1 1 936748722493063537
11) Save. Play. Enjoy.

In mission_templates, the multiplayer missions are near the bottom and begin with multiplayer_dm (for death match). Add those two lines to each mission you want it to apply to and add two to the lone number you find. This is the same as going into module_mission_templates and going to the multiplayer mission and adding:
before the closing "]"

Again...don't know if it will work, but that would be the easiest place to start.
Actually, I tried your tweek for quick battle and it worked perfectly.

But I tried it for multiplayer and the game crashes while loading the main menu.

So I think It does not work for mp, but I'm not a very good modder, I only know how to copy and paste lines in txt!

But it would be really interesting to be able to control bots with the famous command pannel in multiplayer.

Have you been able to do it since 2010?

Cause this thread is very old, but probably still alive.

At least, it talks about a tweek I didn't found elsewhere.

And it is an option that could be very usefull.
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