0) Make a backup of mission_templates.txt (found in your Warband\Modules\Native\ folder)
1) Open mission_templates.txt
2) Search for "quick_battle" to find the correct missions
3) For quick_battle_battle (field battles, beginning around line 116

, scroll down past a series of numbers to the first number that is on a line by itself--in Native, this number is 10 (around line 1203).
4) Change 10 to 12 (add two to the number)
5) Scroll down further, past a few more lines of numbers (beginning with -21.0000 etc). Find the first blank line.
6) Paste in the following code on the next two lines:
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0 3 73 1 22 2147484551 1 1513209474796486693 900 1 1513209474796486693
0.100000 0.000000 0.000000 0 2 903 1 1513209474796486693 1 1 936748722493063537
7) For siege battles (quick_battle_siege), find the first solo number--in Native, 19 (around line 1270)
8 ) Change 19 to 21 (add 2)
9) Scroll down further, past a few more lines of numbers (beginning with -19.0000 etc). Find the first blank line.
10) Paste in the following code on the next two lines:
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0 3 73 1 22 2147484551 1 1513209474796486693 900 1 1513209474796486693
0.100000 0.000000 0.000000 0 2 903 1 1513209474796486693 1 1 936748722493063537
11) Save. Play. Enjoy.