
Although you have said that there won't be any more features added to the game I will say a few things about the combat. Just in case.
When wielding a faster weapon than his opponent player can just click the mouse button like crazy and win every time. Opponent has little or no chance to return a single blow.
Possible resolutions:
Depending on the shield or weapon skill (since there is no separate parry skill) defender could make the attacker loose his rythm/balance (or whatever) with a succesfull parry. In game terms attacker would suffer a reduced 'speed rating' to his next attack. What I mean is that his next swing would start little later. The severity of this penalty would depend on the weapon skill of the defender as I stated. For example if player's blow was parried by an experienced fighter his next attack would start lets say 0.5-1 seconds later than usual. If AI who parried was inexperienced the penalty would be smaller. This addition would give the defender some chance to strike too.
"Trainer" who gives the combat tutorial says that clicking the left mouse button franticly is useless. Clicking the left mb should cancel the current attack and start a new one. Maybe this is not implemented yet? I can imagine that some people would get a bit frustrated and confused about this feature. At first anyway.
Maybe player would have to keep left mb pushed for a certain time to get the full damage. When earlyer attack was finished player would push and keep the left mouse pressed only for about 0.5-1 seconds to get the full force.. This time should preferably be exactly the same time that the "raising the weapon to hit" animation takes. Is there this kind of system already? Trying to hit as fast as possible (by clicking) should only produce minimal damage and therefore should only be used on poorly armored opponents. These "click-click-click" attacks would be too weak to penetrate heavyer armor.
This would be a fine way to mix player skill and character stats. So the optimal time to push left mb would be exactly the same (or just a tiny bit longer) time "weapon raising/reaching back" animation takes. If player would anticipate and release mousebutton too early he should do less damage as a penalty. Again, maybe this kind of system already exists.
Additional suggestions:
AI using spear (or 2h weapon) should not be able to attack if player moves right on their skin because the weapon is so long. In these cases it would be good if AI (and player) could have somekind of push action to get too friendly opponent off their skin. Maybe when combatants were right next to eachother parry action would be push instead. Or why not both? F or middle mouse button would do also. Maybe shield could be used to ram opponent further and then fighter could strike with a right hand weapon immediately (like roman legionares did?). Opponent who was pushed back would receive the beforementioned penalty and so couldn't attack immediately. This would bring little variety to the combat and also help partially solve the "problem" above. I don't think you neccessary have to do any animations for this. Fighter who was pushed could just make few fast steps backwards. Pusher's STR and target's AGI could be the factors how far one is pushed
About combat difficulty:
Currently the normal difficulty setting is too easy because of abowementioned "problem". When creating harder settings please don't increase enemy hitpoints/armor or lower the damage player is doing. Maybe you could make AI and player hit faster instead (that is if you can't work with the suggestions I made). I don't think I have killed any AI with single blow yet. If enemies would be even more "durable" it would kill the feeling totally.
Just so that this post wouldn't be only critisism I will say this; Warrider is something I have wished for a long time. Great job. I never thought I would play a game this much which doesn't have invert mouse.
PS. I still want that invert a.s.a.p
When wielding a faster weapon than his opponent player can just click the mouse button like crazy and win every time. Opponent has little or no chance to return a single blow.
Possible resolutions:
Depending on the shield or weapon skill (since there is no separate parry skill) defender could make the attacker loose his rythm/balance (or whatever) with a succesfull parry. In game terms attacker would suffer a reduced 'speed rating' to his next attack. What I mean is that his next swing would start little later. The severity of this penalty would depend on the weapon skill of the defender as I stated. For example if player's blow was parried by an experienced fighter his next attack would start lets say 0.5-1 seconds later than usual. If AI who parried was inexperienced the penalty would be smaller. This addition would give the defender some chance to strike too.
"Trainer" who gives the combat tutorial says that clicking the left mouse button franticly is useless. Clicking the left mb should cancel the current attack and start a new one. Maybe this is not implemented yet? I can imagine that some people would get a bit frustrated and confused about this feature. At first anyway.
Maybe player would have to keep left mb pushed for a certain time to get the full damage. When earlyer attack was finished player would push and keep the left mouse pressed only for about 0.5-1 seconds to get the full force.. This time should preferably be exactly the same time that the "raising the weapon to hit" animation takes. Is there this kind of system already? Trying to hit as fast as possible (by clicking) should only produce minimal damage and therefore should only be used on poorly armored opponents. These "click-click-click" attacks would be too weak to penetrate heavyer armor.
This would be a fine way to mix player skill and character stats. So the optimal time to push left mb would be exactly the same (or just a tiny bit longer) time "weapon raising/reaching back" animation takes. If player would anticipate and release mousebutton too early he should do less damage as a penalty. Again, maybe this kind of system already exists.
Additional suggestions:
AI using spear (or 2h weapon) should not be able to attack if player moves right on their skin because the weapon is so long. In these cases it would be good if AI (and player) could have somekind of push action to get too friendly opponent off their skin. Maybe when combatants were right next to eachother parry action would be push instead. Or why not both? F or middle mouse button would do also. Maybe shield could be used to ram opponent further and then fighter could strike with a right hand weapon immediately (like roman legionares did?). Opponent who was pushed back would receive the beforementioned penalty and so couldn't attack immediately. This would bring little variety to the combat and also help partially solve the "problem" above. I don't think you neccessary have to do any animations for this. Fighter who was pushed could just make few fast steps backwards. Pusher's STR and target's AGI could be the factors how far one is pushed
About combat difficulty:
Currently the normal difficulty setting is too easy because of abowementioned "problem". When creating harder settings please don't increase enemy hitpoints/armor or lower the damage player is doing. Maybe you could make AI and player hit faster instead (that is if you can't work with the suggestions I made). I don't think I have killed any AI with single blow yet. If enemies would be even more "durable" it would kill the feeling totally.
Just so that this post wouldn't be only critisism I will say this; Warrider is something I have wished for a long time. Great job. I never thought I would play a game this much which doesn't have invert mouse.
PS. I still want that invert a.s.a.p