Combat terrain

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I suggest adding some more rough terrain that stops horses or is even dangerous to them. In reality, you wouldn't ride your horse carelessly in rough terrain, because even a simple hole in the ground might break the leg of a galloping horse and send you flying.

Even if you don't fancy the idea of adding damaging terrain, add some terrain that stops horse movement (like pressing R does). There are trees already, and some really high elevations sometimes stop the horse, but there should also be boulders, tree stumps... That way a player would have to be more careful with their horses, especially when engaging in mounted archery, and there would also be more places to hide from enemy riders.

And hey, where are the swamps? There should definitely be some marshy terrain. :wink: And some dense forests, please.
Yes, and, vise versa, plains should be added too (random hills == 0 ). Right now, random map generator is very nice, but it churns out only mostly 'hills' type terrain, with few variations. I think that just by tweaking it a bit it should be possible to make things better - more random trees for forest, no hills and trees for steppes, and just like it's now for hills :smile:.
At least, if it's indeed working like I emagine.
It would also be neat to fight it out in ruins of villages and castles. I used the the arches in the training levels to my advantage quite a bit.
Balor said:
Yes, and, vise versa, plains should be added too (random hills == 0 ). Right now, random map generator is very nice, but it churns out only mostly 'hills' type terrain, with few variations. I think that just by tweaking it a bit it should be possible to make things better - more random trees for forest, no hills and trees for steppes, and just like it's now for hills :smile:.
At least, if it's indeed working like I emagine.

I agree. Plains would be great as well as tons of other types. I'd like to see a nice wooded areas (dense jungle type as well as woods). Valleys would make for intense battles (perhaps maybe not random on these ones, don't see how a random map generator would be able to randomly generate different types of valley maps).

Theres just so much Armagan could do, keep the suggestions coming.
I'd like to see a lot more flat terrain actually, I don't really like how bumpy it is. I have a lot more fun fighting on flat terrain rather than on those crazy impossible hills.
mmmm, it would be kinda cool to sit on top of a hill, picking off enemys while they wade through mud.
Couldn't imagine horses could run through mud easily either.

Weather often changes the battlefield, even pea soup fog would be good.
I'm going to throw in another request for flatter terrain.

Even in the english countryside, very little land looks quite that bumpy. Now, perhaps valleys, entire sloped battlefields (now there's a challenge - defending against an enemy charging downhill at you), and generally more realistic terrain. Of course, this will leave players rather open to getting pummeled by arrows, so perhaps some cover would be advisable? Rocks, perhaps? Ruins?

Don't get rid of the land as it is currently though - just tone down the frequency with which it appears.
Yes, definitely, we need fog and rain. But you'd have to see them on the main map also, so you don't suddenly end up fighting in pea soup even when the weather was perfectly fine outside combat!

Roads, fences, walled roads, fields, ditches, streams, fenced fields (=bocage), groves, woods, mud, marsh, swamp... Just a few suggestions for terrain.
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