
Dear honored ladies and gents,
I am Lord Arathen, Arena Champion of Zenda, proud Knight of the Veagir, and merciless killer of Swadian scum. I come now to share my most trusted and valuable bank of strategies and ideas for those who fight on foot. To begin with, lets look at the common scenario of footmen vs mounted soldiers:
Foot Vs Mounted
To begin with find a place where horses cannot charge. Common "anti-horse" places are: Rivers, Forested Areas, Mountains. Next, find a choke-point. My favorite choke-point is a cliff above a river. Get up there and wait. When the horses charge toward you jump away from them and look backwards. They should go over the side and die on the way down. If not, finish them off on the canyon edge. Now, if this strategy does not work:
Use any type of throwing weapon. Aim it at the horse's head, and let go. One well placed shot should take down almost any stallion. Next, finish the fighter off on foot. Rinse and repeat with every mounted unit. Finally, there is one more strategy:
I call this the Jumping Spear. When a horse is charging you. Wait till the opponent pulls back is weapon, jump to the OTHER side of him and stab him in the side with the spear as he charges by.
Now, most Knights have met their sad deaths at the hand of skilled bowmen. Lets look at some wonderful strategies at taking down these pests:
Foot VS Archer
To begin with find a place with cover. Allow the archers to close in, always stay behind cover. Once the archers are within 20-25 feet of you pull up your shield and start moving towards the nearest one. Attack, kill, rinse and repeat. If you shield is ever about to break seek cover. If the archers are mounted:
Once again, find an "Anti-horse" spot and a choke-point. Try to funnel the archers into the choke-point. Then, throw jarids, javelins, axes are any other type of weapon at them. You should always hit at least one of them. Aim for they men, NOT the horse. Charge for the living horse and steal it. But first, kill any archers on the ground. Now, hunt down and kill the rest of the archers.
As any well trained Knight should know, Spear-men are downright evil. Their large bulky and sharp sticks are capable of killing us. So I invented several maneuvers to destroy them before major damage occurs.
Foot VS Spear-men
First, you want to find a "Anti-Horse" spot. Now, I know that they most likely aren't mounted, but STILL. Hide behind cover. They will come around slowly, and because of their large weapons will be at a disadvantage. When one begins to come around the corner of whatever tree or rock you are hiding behind pull up your shield. Block their blows until you are close enough to hit them. Attack, they are now good as dead.
Foot VS Foot
First, you want to find any clear open flat. Now, charge the other footmen. Pull up your shield (if you have on). Once you are close enough to hit them, WALK BACKWARD. Most Knights die sadly, they walked forwards straight into the enemy! By walking backwards you can hit the enemy, drive them back, and stay out of their reach. Kill one, walk forwards, walk backwards, kill another, rinse and repeat. This can also sometimes work as a horse stopper. If a line of men is trying to hit you, and a horseman charges towards you, step out of the way and let the horseman be stopped by his or her own men.
Now, dear listeners, I believe my time is up. I shall have to hunt down that dang noblemen and those blasted raiders...
-Lord Arathen
I am Lord Arathen, Arena Champion of Zenda, proud Knight of the Veagir, and merciless killer of Swadian scum. I come now to share my most trusted and valuable bank of strategies and ideas for those who fight on foot. To begin with, lets look at the common scenario of footmen vs mounted soldiers:
Foot Vs Mounted
To begin with find a place where horses cannot charge. Common "anti-horse" places are: Rivers, Forested Areas, Mountains. Next, find a choke-point. My favorite choke-point is a cliff above a river. Get up there and wait. When the horses charge toward you jump away from them and look backwards. They should go over the side and die on the way down. If not, finish them off on the canyon edge. Now, if this strategy does not work:
Use any type of throwing weapon. Aim it at the horse's head, and let go. One well placed shot should take down almost any stallion. Next, finish the fighter off on foot. Rinse and repeat with every mounted unit. Finally, there is one more strategy:
I call this the Jumping Spear. When a horse is charging you. Wait till the opponent pulls back is weapon, jump to the OTHER side of him and stab him in the side with the spear as he charges by.
Now, most Knights have met their sad deaths at the hand of skilled bowmen. Lets look at some wonderful strategies at taking down these pests:
Foot VS Archer
To begin with find a place with cover. Allow the archers to close in, always stay behind cover. Once the archers are within 20-25 feet of you pull up your shield and start moving towards the nearest one. Attack, kill, rinse and repeat. If you shield is ever about to break seek cover. If the archers are mounted:
Once again, find an "Anti-horse" spot and a choke-point. Try to funnel the archers into the choke-point. Then, throw jarids, javelins, axes are any other type of weapon at them. You should always hit at least one of them. Aim for they men, NOT the horse. Charge for the living horse and steal it. But first, kill any archers on the ground. Now, hunt down and kill the rest of the archers.
As any well trained Knight should know, Spear-men are downright evil. Their large bulky and sharp sticks are capable of killing us. So I invented several maneuvers to destroy them before major damage occurs.
Foot VS Spear-men
First, you want to find a "Anti-Horse" spot. Now, I know that they most likely aren't mounted, but STILL. Hide behind cover. They will come around slowly, and because of their large weapons will be at a disadvantage. When one begins to come around the corner of whatever tree or rock you are hiding behind pull up your shield. Block their blows until you are close enough to hit them. Attack, they are now good as dead.
Foot VS Foot
First, you want to find any clear open flat. Now, charge the other footmen. Pull up your shield (if you have on). Once you are close enough to hit them, WALK BACKWARD. Most Knights die sadly, they walked forwards straight into the enemy! By walking backwards you can hit the enemy, drive them back, and stay out of their reach. Kill one, walk forwards, walk backwards, kill another, rinse and repeat. This can also sometimes work as a horse stopper. If a line of men is trying to hit you, and a horseman charges towards you, step out of the way and let the horseman be stopped by his or her own men.
Now, dear listeners, I believe my time is up. I shall have to hunt down that dang noblemen and those blasted raiders...
-Lord Arathen