Flaming Eyes

Hi, I would like to sugest some changes in the way we use the weapons.
I would like to have more control of the move I do.
Recently, I played a boxing game, "Heavy Weight Thunder", or something like that, well, the way you fight there is intresting. Then I have two way of sugestions, one based on that game, and the other is based in what I thought:
To slash RtL*: hold LC, then move mouse to the left side (<), then release.
To slash LtR: hold LC, then move mouse to the right side (>), then release.
To slash UtD: hold LC, then move mouse back (v), then release.
To T: hold LC, then move mouse forward (^), then release.
To slash UtD left on horse: hold LC, then move mouse back and left (v+<), then release.
To slash UtD right on horse: hold LC, then move mouse back and right (v+>), then release.
To slash RtL: RC.
To slash LtR: LC.
To slash UtD: double RC.
To T: double LC.
To defend: CapsLock...
To slash UtD left on horse: hold LC, then move mouse back (v), then release.
To slash UtD right on horse: hold RC, then move mouse back (v), then release.
Of course, that when you are holding a click and move mouse, the screen must not move, must stay as it was before you begin the atack.
Note: RtL: Right to Left, LtR: Left ro Right: UtD: Up to Down, T: Thrust, LC: left click, RC: right click.
Edit: I add the third "set":
Edit3: 24/10/2005I add another set (thank you Big J Money)
I would like to have more control of the move I do.
Recently, I played a boxing game, "Heavy Weight Thunder", or something like that, well, the way you fight there is intresting. Then I have two way of sugestions, one based on that game, and the other is based in what I thought:
To slash RtL*: hold LC, then move mouse to the left side (<), then release.
To slash LtR: hold LC, then move mouse to the right side (>), then release.
To slash UtD: hold LC, then move mouse back (v), then release.
To T: hold LC, then move mouse forward (^), then release.
To slash UtD left on horse: hold LC, then move mouse back and left (v+<), then release.
To slash UtD right on horse: hold LC, then move mouse back and right (v+>), then release.
To slash RtL: RC.
To slash LtR: LC.
To slash UtD: double RC.
To T: double LC.
To defend: CapsLock...
To slash UtD left on horse: hold LC, then move mouse back (v), then release.
To slash UtD right on horse: hold RC, then move mouse back (v), then release.
Of course, that when you are holding a click and move mouse, the screen must not move, must stay as it was before you begin the atack.
Note: RtL: Right to Left, LtR: Left ro Right: UtD: Up to Down, T: Thrust, LC: left click, RC: right click.
Edit: I add the third "set":
Flaming Eyes said:Well, other way, would be the next, althought should be some dificult to add and would change a lot the dinamic of the game:
1. Leaving the mouse to secondary use.
2. The keys should change some:
W: walk front.
S: walk back.
A: strife left.
D: strife right.
Spacebar: jump.
Nmpd1: turn left.
Nmpd3: turn right.
Nmpd2: crouch.
Nmpd0: look around*.
Nmpd.: turn back.
NmpdEnter: action button.
Nmpd5: defense.
Nmpd5 (double): shield bash/low blow.
Nmpd8: thrust/jab**.
Nmpd8 (double): slash RtD/Special Punch/horse bite (mounted).
Nmpd7: slash LtR/left hand punch.
Nmpd7 (double): slash LtR (left handed weapon)/Special Punch/horse kick (mounted).
Nmpd9: slash RtL/right hand punch.
Nmpd9 (double): slash RtL (left handed weapon)/Special Punch/horse kick (mounted).
Nmpd4: avoid to left/slash UtD left (mounted).
Nmpd4 (double): body aimed left hand punch/left kick (mounted).
Nmpd6: avoid to right/slash UtD right (mounted).
Nmpd6 (double): body aimed right hand punch/right kick (mounted).
Nmpd-: camera toggle.
Nmpd+: zoom toggle.
E: right hand item*** wielded/keep toggle.
E (double): next right hand item.
Q: left hand item*** wielded/keep toggle.
Q (double): next left hand item.
1-5: right hand item toggle.
6-0: left hand item toggle.
Left Shift: run/walk.
CapsLock: run/walk toggle.
F1-F10: party groups screen (or call) (battle orders).****
F11: all party groups screen (or call) (battle orders).
Tab: view outfit.
Esc: Menu, with retreat mission option (if available).
C: Character screen.
P: Party screen.
T: Screenshot.
R: Quest screen, with table of player success, and table with relation with other parties.
D: Personal binnacle.
X (6*): whistle your horse.
Mouse (5*):
Right click: zoom.
Left click: fire.
*Note: Look around, when you hold this button, you can use the W,A,S,D keys to look around, release it and press it again quicly to leave the character looking in the direction you left it. Press it again to centre view. If you don't press it again after releasing it, the view is centered. To move while holding Look around, press W,A,S or D double (quicly).
**Note: When you press an atack button and hold it, the character will take a position to perform the atack you want, untill you release the button. After you perform an no weapon atack, the character will take a fighting position, for a while, I mean, will get "on ward". If you don't perform an atack in 5 seconds, will go to normal stand again.
***Note: Right hand item: weapons. Left hand item: Shield, or weapon.
****Note: When you call a party, to order them press 1-0, where numbers are:
1. Stay here.
2. Follow me.
3. Follow X (where X is another party)
4. Charge.
5. Mount.
6. Dismount.
7. Flee.
8. Take prisioners.
9. Don't kill the Leader (or the Nobleman).
0. Kill them all.
5*Note: Mouse is always in look around option, and it will used specially for bows, crossbows, throwing and firearms weapons..
I know that this is very hard to be implemented, but, I think that can be usefull controls.
6*Edit: I forgot to add the "whistle your horse" option.
Edit 2: Corrected an ortografic error.
Edit3: 24/10/2005I add another set (thank you Big J Money)
And, from Svart (thank you too):Big J Money said:I don't like #2 at all. This is because it requires too much arbitrary memorization. Anything like that is not a good combat system, IMHO. It's one of the main reasons I don't like console games: because I always forget what the "triangle" buttons is supposed to do.
I thought idea #1 was great. Although, I disagree with some of the people who said that movement should lock once you press the attack button. That would mean we would no longer be able to prepare an attack before engaging. There's nothing realistic about that at all. When you charge an enemy, you draw your weapon back before you get to them, not after you're already there! I can't remember whose idea that was. However, if you continue reading, I did come up with a way to incorporate that concept, if desired.
So, here is my idea, but I doubt anyone will like it. I'm only mentioning it because it's kind of inventive, even though it would be very different learning, initially:
To initiate an attack, press and hold the LMB (left mouse button). Then, move your mouse in the direction the attack will be originating from. Then, press and hold also the RMB. Finally, move the mouse in the direction the attack will move to. Note that while pressing the LMB the view will be locked in one direction to make the attack motions easier. Further, note that while pressing the RMB the character's movement will also be halted while he swings his weapon. You can release either buttons prematurely to stop the attack early. This would be useful if, say, you decided to block in incoming blow.
One way to look at it is that the LMB is the "attack preparation" button, and the RMB becomes the "attack execution" button, once you have prepared. Of course, all this happens in split-second timing.
I know, it's weird. But, it's actually very simple, since it only involves the mouse buttons and very intuitive mouse movements. Defending could either be handled in the way it is now, or it could optionally be handled the same way as attacking is handled, but by reversing the buttons.
=$= Big J Money =$=
The sixth set:svart said:I don't like #2, because you could get confused between clicks (for people who press the buttons a lot, it would mean they accidently launch a different attack).
And i don't like #3 because a mounted melee fighter with throwing weapons (like my last char) would have to jump from numpad to mouse like there's no tommorow.
Nice comments Big J Money, maybe flaming should add this disadvantage to #1 : *unable to prepare an attack with set 1, since attacks launch immidiatly*
I would suggest a combination to the #1 : (best of both worlds)
- you Lclick, and the view locks.
- you move the mouse in the direction of the attack and the character already moves to the attack position.
- if you release the Lclick your character will continue and strike (like #1)
- if you click rmb you the view unlock but the attack stays charged.
- blocking midstrike (after you released the button/s) will interrupt the blow like it does now.
the attack/charge/block could be remapped of course. (i personally would put such a buttonto the middle one, and leave the right one as block).
I want to say, too, that the systems I post, can, and should be changed, to make the gameplay easy too, if any can post more Ideas I will thank you.Flaming Eyes said:I try another one, more simple... based on Narcisus key config (thank you Narcisus).
Sixth set:
E: forward.
S: strife left.
D: backward.
F: strife right.
RmB: defend.
LmB (hold): prepare weapon.
LmB+move mouse left (then release LmB): prepare slash LtR (this is maintain until 5 second or until you press LmB again, when that, do the atack).
LmB+move mouse right (then as before): prepare slash RtL.
LmB+move mouse back: prepare slash UtD.
LmB+move mouse forward: prepare to thrust.
LmB (quick): execute an atack (or random atack).
LmB+S: prepare slash UtD left (mounted)/avoid left (on foot).
LmB+F: prepare slash UtD right (mounted)/avoid to right (on foot).
RmB: defend.
RmB (double): shield bash.
When you hold LmB, the screen lock until you release it.
When weapon is keep, the atack will be unharmed.
The rest of controls are as the game is right now.
What you think?