*Combat Bug*

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Im not *Entirely* certain that this is a bug , but it is really rediculous if it isn't.

Whenever i fight someone , generally with a sword (i imagine it works with anyway weapon though) if the enemy blocks your sword , then you click almost instantly , you get a hit in which is like speed 200 sword or something , thus the enemy has no hope to block it and since they are in the middle of attacking it generally always gets them first befor they hit you.

I didnt provide screenshots because its not really that type of bug , mainly , its some problem with rehit timing i think. You seem to be able to hit someone instantly after they block you , and it seems extremely unnatural.

Anyone else notice this?
yess its very easy fight when you click a lot of times
solution 1: make the enemies move left or right whn fighting, so you can miss the attacks
solution 2: a more good speed system in the "attack/defence" system.
:oops: Thanks WipperSnipper :oops:

I created a thread about this in the general area a little while back ... but then forgot to mention it here.

EDIT: Some people say that they can repeatedly strike over and over again ... I have found it to be very random. Sometimes I can get several fast-strikes and sometimes I'm lucky to get just one. At first, I assumed that it was based on timing ... but after trying to recreate it at specific moments ... I now think this is probably a glitch/bug.
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