Lupos Davalte

Just a few thoughts on the way combat is balanced in Mount and Blade.
I'm pretty happy with most of it but there are a few things that seem odd.
An archer can go toe to toe with a swordsman purely by backing up and firing point blank headshots.
Of course being shot in the face at point blank hurts but I find it frustrating in the arena when I'm toe to toe with an archer and ripping him a new a hole and he gets up and pulls a shot off right in my face.
I just think that if a player or non-player is carrying a weapon that has no defensive value whatsoever that he should take a little more damage due to the fact that any hit on him is going to be purely undefended.
I know there are ways to mod this but changing the core ruleset almost feels like cheating. Especially because I insist on using the normal damage and not 1/2 or 1/4.
My other annoyance is fighting lance users on foot 1 on 1. they just back up, and jab jab jab and its hard to close in on them when realistically it would involve batting the lance aside and closing in on them.
I'm even thinking some kind of lunge or charge attack might help considering 'trotting' into battle seems a little bland.
I'm pretty happy with most of it but there are a few things that seem odd.
An archer can go toe to toe with a swordsman purely by backing up and firing point blank headshots.
Of course being shot in the face at point blank hurts but I find it frustrating in the arena when I'm toe to toe with an archer and ripping him a new a hole and he gets up and pulls a shot off right in my face.
I just think that if a player or non-player is carrying a weapon that has no defensive value whatsoever that he should take a little more damage due to the fact that any hit on him is going to be purely undefended.
I know there are ways to mod this but changing the core ruleset almost feels like cheating. Especially because I insist on using the normal damage and not 1/2 or 1/4.
My other annoyance is fighting lance users on foot 1 on 1. they just back up, and jab jab jab and its hard to close in on them when realistically it would involve batting the lance aside and closing in on them.
I'm even thinking some kind of lunge or charge attack might help considering 'trotting' into battle seems a little bland.