I've searched and have not seen these issues specifically addressed; please accept my apologies if I somehow missed something. Also, if the mods think this topic should be moved into the general Graphics Suggestions may they do so kindly
I enjoy Mount & Blade and think, generally, gameplay-wise and graphically it's very good. But of late I've been noticing the combat animations, and think they could stand some improvement. This is not a request for more animations.
I enjoy Mount & Blade and think, generally, gameplay-wise and graphically it's very good. But of late I've been noticing the combat animations, and think they could stand some improvement. This is not a request for more animations.
- Follow-through. A lot of the attacks start, and just kind of stop, as if the character is afraid to hurt anyone It's particularly noticeable in stabs and the overhead swings.
- Two-handed attacks. While guarding is two-handed, the attacks appear to revert to one-handed swings in most cases. It would be nice to see characters actually making use of the full force of their weapons
- Riding. There is a "skip" in the riding animation that becomes really noticeable -- and, IMO, kind of annoying -- when using a lance. Any chance that could be smoothed out?
- Jumping. Others have mentioned it before...