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Why would native Caribbeans hate Columbus? Consider the estimates of the number of Natives in the area of Columbus main settlement. Before Columbus/At Columbus' "Discovery" of the Caribbean. Estimates are at about 8,000,000 natives. One or two generations later? Probably somwhere around 3,000,000. Why the sudden drop? Disease, slavery, and exorbitant tributes. Every person over the age of fourteen had to bring 25lbs. of wool or have their hands cut off. That tribute was for 3 months. Columbus sucks. Your American History book (If that's where you are) will generally avoid three things. Sex, religion, and social class. Do you generally hear about bad things done in the name of God? How about the Crusades? The expulsion of the Jews from Spain? Did you know that most Islamic cultures allowed Christians and jews to practice their religion after conquered? History is not black and white, nor is it absolute. It is controversial, and it is nasty.
(My argument is much from the book Lies My Teacher Told Me. Good book. i agree with it.)
(My argument is much from the book Lies My Teacher Told Me. Good book. i agree with it.)